Nova Marino



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



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Star Sign



  • AGE 20
  • GENDER Gender-Fluid
  • PRONOUNS She/her/They/Them
  • Species Mistwolf
  • Birthday Feb 17th
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral Evil
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual


Meet Nova, queen of drama, clubbing, and DJing. This femme fatale is known for her captivating presence and her love for all things over the top. With a mischievous glint in her eye and a sly smile on her lips, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

Known for her sharp wit and intelligence, she quickly learned how to manipulate and use others to her advantage. She has a knack for stirring the pot and watching as those around her react, finding entertainment in the chaos

But it's not all about causing chaos for Nova. She has a true passion for the party scene and can often be found at the hottest clubs, dancing the night away to the beats of her own DJ sets. Her music is a reflection of her personality - bold, daring, and unapologetic.


  • Challenging authority: She enjoys going against the norm and challenging authority figures. She sees rules and restrictions as obstacles to be overcome and takes pleasure in breaking them.
  • Adventure and excitement: Nova craves adventure and excitement in her life. She enjoys taking risks and trying new things, which can sometimes lead her down a destructive path.
  • Freedom and independence: She values her freedom and independence. She enjoys being able to make her own decisions and live her life on her own terms.
  • Attention: Being in the spotlight and getting attention is something she craves. DJing allows her to showcase her skills and receive recognition for her talent, which she thoroughly enjoys.
  • Gossip: She enjoys spreading rumors and gossip, especially if it causes drama. She loves being in the know and having information that others don't.


  • Restrictive rules and expectations: As someone who values her freedom, she dislikes being confined by strict rules and expectations. She rebels against anything that tries to control her behavior or limit her choices.
  • Close-mindedness: Nove dislikes close-mindedness and those who refuse to see things from a different perspective. She believes in the importance of open-mindedness and will rebel against those who try to impose their beliefs on her.
  • Being betrayed: Nova is fiercely loyal to those she considers friends, and she hates being betrayed by them. She will seek revenge on anyone who crosses her or betrays her trust.
  • Criticism: Despite her confident exterior, she can be sensitive to criticism, especially when it comes to her passions. She takes her crafts seriously and doesn't appreciate negative feedback from others.
  • Boredom: Nova is easily bored and needs constant stimulation. She dislikes anything that is predictable or mundane and is always seeking new challenges and experiences.

Layout by carebear | Code by Aurorean


Nova is an enigmatic and independent individual. She is unafraid to challenge societal norms and is not easily swayed by the opinions of others. She is highly intelligent and analytical, constantly seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around her. She possesses a strong sense of self and is not afraid to act in her own self-interest, even if it means going against the grain or causing harm to others. This does not mean that she is inherently malicious, but rather, she is not bound by traditional moral codes and may not feel guilty about her actions.

She is incredibly ambitious and driven, always seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth. She is not afraid to take risks and can be seen as cunning and calculated in her approach to achieving her goals. These risks occasionally land her in hot water, especially as she possesses a rebellious streak that was evident from a young age, as she constantly challenged her mother's authority and questioned her rules. This behavior was often seen as disruptive and disrespectful, but to Nova, it was a way to assert her individuality and break free from the constraints of her upbringing.

In relationships, she can be aloof and emotionally distant, preferring to maintain her independence and freedom. She may struggle with commitment and may have a tendency to manipulate others to get what she wants, often pushing away those who try to get too close.

She is fiercely independent and values her personal freedom above all else. However, she can also be a loyal and devoted friend/partner to those who have earned her trust and respect and can understand and accept her wild nature.


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  • Donec quis porta mauris. Morbi consequat mattis nisl, nec posuere ex pellentesque eu. Cras elementum elit a metus tempus dapibus.
  • Vestibulum vulputate lectus vitae purus tincidunt faucibus. Maecenas eu vehicula neque. Integer a tortor et tellus sollicitudin tincidunt.
  • Nullam congue ac enim at vestibulum. Phasellus turpis orci, aliquet eu fermentum et, imperdiet non est. Phasellus ultrices dui risus, quis pulvinar arcu lobortis et. Sed eu sem sed diam semper elementum. Nam quis enim turpis.
  • Pellentesque tempor vehicula lacus id posuere. Aliquam eu vehicula quam. Pellentesque ac ante vitae ipsum sollicitudin convallis.



Raised on a small farm in the middle of nowhere, Nova always felt like she was meant for bigger things than chores and hard work. She was never content with the simple life her mother wanted for her, always craving excitement and adventure. She was a troublemaker from the get-go, stirring up drama between her siblings and cousins and relishing in the attention it brought her.

As she grew older, she became more and more rebellious, constantly clashing with her traditional and hard-working parents. She refused their expectations of her, and instead spent her days skipping her chores, roaming the fields, and sneaking out at night to explore the town at the mountain base. She was fascinated with the travelers passing through and could sit and listen to their tales of cities and other places for hours often not returning until dawn.

Despite her unruly, unpredictable, and snarky demeanor she has a soft spot for her brother Teiko, it was him that helped her own love for music to grow. He stood by her choices in life and always supported her. He loves her regardless of her flaws, exactly how a brother should love a sister, and is always there when she needs a shoulder to cry on. 

Around the age of 16, a group of "freedom fighters" from the city visited the farm needing shelter for the night. Nova found the excitement and drama she craved within this group of like-minded individuals who shared her love for rebellion and causing chaos. Without a second thought, Nova packed her bags the next day and left the farm for the city with the group, spending their days and nights partying, causing trouble, and pushing boundaries.

But as she delved deeper into the city's party scene, Nova also discovered a darker side to the nightlife. She was introduced to the underground world of illegal parties and drug use, and she quickly became addicted to the adrenaline rush and sense of freedom it gave her. She took up her old passion for music again and quickly made a name for herself as a talented DJ, playing at the same underground clubs and parties she used to frequent with her old group. Her wild nature and natural charm made her stand out in the crowd, and she became known as "DJ Stripz" 

Nova's style and ability to read the crowd made her a fan favorite, and she quickly gained a loyal following. She was a master at creating hypnotic beats that drew in crowds and left them wanting more.






Mother of Nova

Brother of Nova

Stepfather of Nova