


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




Middle-Aged Adult


Avari; Palm-Nut Vulture


The Bone Collector


Basic Information
CLASSIC Maned Cloven-Hoofed Palm-Nut Vulture Lambicorn
{Edits: Custom - feathered ears, vulture wings, tail, head and chest fluff, slit pupils, coloured sclera, forked tongue, mouth}
Hex Codes: #ffffff #e5e5e5 #434343 #262626 #ff997d #ffc3c3 #ffffaa #ff7200
Oekaki Link: Bone Marrow Bounty

Alistaire comes off as cold and callous to most lambies he meets. His gruff mannerisms are an acquired taste for sure. He can seem tricky and manipulative, which wouldn’t exactly be a wrong impression. Alistaire does have a few soft spots deep down, however. He is very prideful of his art and relishes discussing his creative process; it’s one of the rare times he’ll open up to someone. His pitfall is his greed - he tends to hoard items and trinkets. Alistaire may not have many friends, but he is well connected and knows many people all over the world. Chances are if you name a town, he’ll know someone who lives there. His favourite foods are seafood and palm fruits, specifically Raffia palm. Alistaire is the kind of guy who prefers to do everything in person - no internet; no letters. He writes everything down on a small yellowed notepad in scrawling spindly print.

Alistaire collects bones and carves them into jewellery and other trinkets. He journeys all over the world to find unique bones of many different animals, as well as sell his wares. He will gladly barter; money isn’t the only thing of value to him.  He will even trade for favours to be called in later, though you never know when or what he’s going to ask of you. Alistaire also takes custom orders from anyone who offers a good price. He cannot hold a carving knife with his hooves so he he has to use his magic.

Alistaire can inscribe bones with magical seals and spells. Oracle bones make up a good part of his sales; there is always demand for them in the witch communities.
Like most lambicorns, Alistaire can manipulate objects with his magic. He is incredibly deft at this and uses it to carve his bones.

When not travelling, Alistaire lives in a small desert town. Most of his belongings are scavenged or have been traded to him over the years. His house is small but stuffed to the brim with odds and ends from his travels, as well as bartering customers.
His favourite piece he has carved is displayed prominently on his mantle; the skeleton of a puff adder. It’s nearly intact, though not fully, missing a few ribs. He’s carved the skull quite intricately with depictions of desert flowers, and is slowly and incredibly carefully moving down the vertebrae and ribs. He’s articulated the piece, and it’s more of a personal hobby piece for him - he would never dream of selling it. His self-indulgent piece, if you will. He is super proud of it and loves to show it off, though he’s also very careful to make sure no one  touches it or even thinks about stealing it. It was stolen once, but he used his many connections and called in favours to track down the thief. No one has heard from the thief since... either they’ve fled the area and changed their name, or something untoward has happened...

Originally from Yamma, in Kausha.