Katara Hillter



7 years, 1 month ago


A strong and lively adolescent child who was raised by a loving mother and grandmother, but has a twinge of sadness behind those emerald colored eyes. He often hears stories about his father from both his mother and grandmother and even gets letters from him, but.. he wishes he could meet him. There is no good reason he can think as to why his father doesnt want to be around him and his mother or why she still talks about him. Doesn't he still love her..? His paternal grandmother is also stepping up as the role he should've had; which only leaves more of a void in the young soul's heart. He is told he looks and even sometimes acts like him, but he wish he could know what it was like to actually meet him and why people care so much about a guy who just.. ran off and abandoned his family. He wants to find him, yet he doesnt want to leave his family like he did..