


3 years, 4 months ago


⇲ MESA ⇱

⇲ SandWing

⇲ Bigender [AFAB] | she/her & he/him

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Mother | Agave [dusty red]
Father | Yardang [pale, dull yellow with black patterning]
Brothers | Yucca [a brown/orange with black patterning] & Terracotta ["calico"-esque pattern with dusty orange and dark brown]
Sister | Sotol [a light, near-white yellow with dusty red patterning]

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Residing in the Scorpion Den, Mesa has had a very eventful life. She grew up in a poor family, though thanks to Thorn's kindness, was fed well enough to ensure she was alive through adolescence when she left the house. He lived with a single mother and three other siblings, being from the same clutch as Terracotta. Yucca and Sotol were older, though only by two years, and lived with their younger siblings for the majority of their childhoods.

After their father left following the hatching of Mesa and Terracotta, the dragonets were made to help around the bar that their mother owned. They would often stay late nights, cleaning tables and delivering food while drunken dragons around them teased the girls and "playfully" hit the boys. Their mother was often too preoccupied with cooking and working the bar at the same time to pay too much attention to the children, which caused Yucca and Sotol to take on more of a parental role. As they grew up, the older siblings became more snappy at the customers if they were to harass the young ones, and tried to focus as much of the teasing and fighting onto themselves.

Mesa was not blind to this, and was extremely grateful for the protection of her brother and sister. He felt horrible, though, about the way that they were treated, and began to toughen up more himself. She devised methods to deter the creepier of the bargoers, and kept the juice of a nauseating plant tucked in a satchel to pour into a customer's drink if they happened to be crossing the line.

Mesa continued to experiment with various substances that would cause an adverse reaction in other dragons, juicing various plants and cacti found around the Scorpion Den to test what would cause what reaction. He accidentally managed to poison bargoers twice (though not fatally, it was a very close-to-death experience before medics arrived) before discovering a specific plant that was quite poisonous.

Her interests in poisons only grew as time ticked onward, and once she reached an age that her mother considered appropriate to leave the Scorpion Den, she searched nearby territories for new plants and ingredients. After long enough, her mother grew aware of her tactics to deter creeps from the bar. Despite the good that Mesa was doing, Agave was furious ("You're discouraging potential customers, and you know how much we need the money!") and banished Mesa from the bar.

Since, Mesa has opened a somewhat-hidden business selling various poisons and other deadly substances. It runs quite well considering that SandWings already possess a natural poison. He's worked on selling accessories with hidden, poison-tipped weapons in case of an emergency where the tail is not a viable option. She has no idea how many she's indirectly killed, though it doesn't bother her more than a bit. Clients take their respect for him seriously, perhaps due to the knowledge that he has at least a hundred ways to kill them if they offend him in the slightest. She's grown to a place of quite a bit of power... and gives mild poisons to her siblings at the bar to keep them safe.