
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Appears to be later 20s



Sexual Orientation


Relationship Status





History: Nero is very close with his twin brother, Nemo. As humans, they had become strippers for currently unknown reasons. Their career took off and they became famous, often modeling new clothes and nude photography. One day, heading home from the strip club, the brothers were killed by a fan they rejected. Upon death, they found their plushies and became Necrobies. When Nero became a Necroby, he was alone, not sure what was goingon or where he was. He was eventually reunited with his twin brother, Nemo. Once they were reunited, they found a place to stay and haven't been seperated since. Deciding that a little thing like death wasn't going to get in his way, Nero continues his job as a stripper and model. Following his lead, Nemo works along beside Nero, playing into the roles of their shows very well. 


Personality: Nero has always been very cheerful and outgoing. He doesn't care what others think of him and believes that you should express yourself however you want. He loves hanging out with friends and goofing around though he never strayes far from his brother. He enjoys causing mischief and annoying his friends with his childish antics. Nero always seems to know just the right way to lighten a mood and cheer others up. However, due to the nature of his death (and becoming a Necroby) he's more than a little hesitant to search for a love interest. Afterall, he isn't sure what happens if a Necroby dies and doesn't want to risk leaving his brother alone again. Nero can normally be found munching on candy or causing mischief by annoying his friends with playful banter. He loves walking around aimlessly around town during the day and looking at things in novelty shops. 



  • Family:
    • Nemo is Nero's twin brother, and fellow stripper. While the two of them take on a flirty appearance with each other during their shows, they aren't interested in each other in any romantic/sexual way. 
  • Significant Other:
  • Friends:
    • Shizu gets along with Nero pretty well and enjoys wandering around town with him.