Noriko Takahashi



3 years, 5 months ago



Noriko Takahashi




Japanese Magical Girl

To save her younger brother from drowning

Bladed staff

To control liquids such as water

  • Being polite
  • Spicy and sweet things
  • Green tea
  • Healthy things
  • Petty disputes
  • Bitter things
  • Soda/cola
  • Unhealthy things
Offensive Power

Defensive Power

Magical Stamina

Initial Magic Usability

Grief Seed Consumption

Average Darkness in Soul Gem

Average Magic Used Per Fight

Both confident in her ability and open minded to new strategies or plans to take down a witch, Noriko is a very strong ally for a magical girl to have by their side.  She is very cool and collected, even in battles where the outcome may seem grey and will not give up until it is one hundred percent clear that there is no possible way to win.  Always clinging to that small chance that things might go well, Noriko will keep fighting until the end.

Around others, Noriko is extremely polite.  Growing up in a wealthy family who did not stand for any less, she learned that manners were one of the most important things a person can have.  If you are not polite, things may not go your way and instead escalate the situation more than necessary.  Although after an encounter with another magical girl named Rekka, she realized that not everyone around her was going to hold themselves to the same standards as she did.

Backstory and Wish

Growing up in a very wealthy family, Noriko pretty much had everything she could ever need or want the minute that she needed or wanted it.  Although she could have been considered spoiled because of this, she was most definitely much better behaved than anyone else she had met.  

After being taught at a very young age that manners were everything, Noriko was a polite as she could be in order to please her parents and everyone else around her.  Always receiving compliments on her behavior, her parents were quite proud and expected a lot from her in the future.  As she to more than succeed in her studies and school work, Noriko's parents began to discuss putting her into an accelerated program at a very expensive private school.

Not realizing that Noriko was about to reach her limit as she struggled every day to maintain her top of the class scores and having hardly any free time because of it, her brother who was one year younger than her decided that she needed some time to relax between all of the stressful school work and convinced her to sneak out to the beach one night.

Sitting out on the shore and watching her brother splash about happily in the water, Noriko was happy that she could finally take a break from work to spend some time with her little brother, even if that just mean watching him swim around for a while.  

Although he tried to get her to come out into the water a couple times, Noriko said that she would prefer to stay at shore and sit with her toes in the sand.  She also added on that she wanted to make sure that she was ready to help in case her brother started to sink or drown.

Her brother then told her that he was going to go out deeper into the water and that she would have to come out too if she wanted to watch over him.  Immediately knowing that it was a terrible idea, Noriko called out to him as he swam away, begging him to come back to the shore where it was safe.

Soon, waves began to form as he was out in the deeper part of the ocean.  As they began to crash down on her brother, Noriko could see that he was just barely keeping his head above the water as he began to call out to her asking for help.  A few moments later, a huge wave crashed down on him and caused him to hit his head on a nearby cluster of rocks, loosing consciousness.

Afraid and not knowing what to do, Noriko suddenly heard a voice inside of her head that told her it could grant her any wish that she desired, and that the only thing she would have to do in return was become a magical girl and fight creatures called witches.  After introducing itself, the cat-like creature named Kyubey asked sat in front of her and asked what it was that she wished for.

Noriko took one look out at the water where her brother was nowhere to be seen and said "I wish to save my brother from drowning!"

After her brother had been brought to the shore safely by Noriko's ability to manipulate the water, she carried her unconscious brother back home, making sure that her parents weren't aware that she had ever left in the first place.  Laying him down on his bed and waiting at his bedside for the moment when he woke up again, Noriko took a good look at her new soul gem, asking Kyubey a few questions about magical girls as well.

About three years later when Noriko turned eighteen, she decided to move out of home and get her own apartment to give more leniency on when she could fight witches and do her duty as a magical girl, without being constantly questioned as to where she was headed.  Converting over to digital learning, Noriko only ever left her apartment when she needed groceries or was headed out to fight. 

Magical Abilities

Noriko's magical ability is to control water, however, to use this ability there must be nearby water for her to use.  After a while of struggling to be able to defeat witches since she was unable to use her magical ability, Noriko learned that there was moisture in the air around her.  After training for almost three months, she finally figured out exactly how to quickly and efficiently pull water from the air and use it in battle.

Aside from the ability to control water along with almost any other liquid, Noriko has a bladed staff as her weapon.  In battle she usually either spins the staff around in a circle to resemble the blade of a helicopter in order to keep harmful objects away, and or use it like a double ended sword or katana.  After many years of being a magical girl, Noriko is very masterful in using both her magical weapon and power.

Rekka Nakamura

After meeting Rekka soon after she made her wish and was wandering around aimlessly, Noriko decided that she would help Rekka become an efficient magical girl and teach her everything a magical girl needs to know.  Although Rekka and Noriko argue quite often, Noriko cares deeply for her and is fully willing to risk her life to protect Rekka.

Sakura Enatsu

Upon meeting Sakura, Noriko can tell that she has a lot of potential as a magical girl and decided to help show her the ropes and be a mentor to the new girl.  Noriko cares about Sakura a lot and is always happy to answer her questions and lend her a hand in fighting witches.

Rima Miyoshi

Although Rima may seem weak and frail to just anyone, Noriko knew from the start that that was the opposite of the situation.  Even though it is clear that Rima doesn't need a mentor, Noriko is always willing to fight witches by her side.


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