


3 years, 5 months ago




age 100 moons (8 years)

Gender male (he/him)

Orientation heterosexual



Affiliationcolony of the mire
colony of the sky (former)



A former Ranger of the Sky, Rookwing is grateful that he has been given a second chance and is a model Ranger of the Mire. He is helpful and devoted to both his current Colony and his family. Unlike the rest of the Colony, he actively supported his mate's leadership and does everything he can to help her, even when Lady Lakenight chose Skyshine as Knight over him. Nevertheless, she chose him to father her kittens and the two share a close friendship, although Lakenight has never allowed it to go any further than that, due to her paranoia and coldness. Despite his benevolence and loyalty, however, Rookwing joined the rest of his Colony looking down unfairly upon his daughter, Magpieflight. He could not understand why the young she-cat had such a hateful cynicism for life in the Colonies (despite his own experiences in the Colony of the Sky) and unfairly believed it was due to laziness. 

Magpieflight soon left the Colony, leaving Rookwing heartbroken initially. Upon finding out she was still alive as a fully fledged member of the Colony of the Foxes, he disowned her entirely. Things only got worse for Rookwing when his son, Crowstrike, and his family were murdered by Hazeldust. Enraged like the rest of his Colony, he drowned the cold-blooded killer himself. Following the loss of Lakenight in a violent dog attack, Rookwing still resides in the Mire and serves under the leadership of Lake's successor, Lady Skyshine. Ever since the death of his grandson and last Novice, Jackdawcall, he is yet to be given a new Novice. He feels this is due to his close ties with Lady Lakenight.


MATE: Lady Lakenight - The two's relationship was more professional than intimate. Lakenight desired a mate from outside the Colony that she could easily manipulate, and Rookwing just happened to come along.

OFFSPRING: Magpieflight - Never really cared for her like he did Crowstrike. Believed her to be selfish and uncaring and was not at all surprised to hear the rumours that she had ended up in a clan of thieving rogues. 

Crowstrike - Was immensely proud of him, Silversong and their kittens. Their deaths crushed him emotionally and he personally saw to it that their murderer, Hazeldust, was drowned for their crimes..

SIBLINGS: Jayfern - Also known as Jaywing. Practically raised him from kithood. The two brothers share a close bond, despite their positions in enemy clans. Rookwing is blissfully unaware of his brother's relationship with the murderer of Crowstrike and his family, however.

NOVICE:  Jackdawcall - Very fond of Jackdawcall and his other grandchild, Bluewing. When they were murdered by Hazeldust alongside their parents, he killed the evil scum himself by drowning them in the Mire.

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