purrlings - species



3 years, 4 months ago


purrlings are a bipedal cat creature. They're an open species! 


Purrlings are a bipedal cat creature, typically for fantasy settings but they can be placed in any setting / universe. They're also known as Cat Folk, Catlings, Fur Folk, and other diminutive nicknames. They refer to themselves as Purrlings though! They're a mostly nomadic people that roam the wilderness, making occasional stops city side. Purrlings live in small found family units, typically with three elected leaders (they often put important decisions to a vote). Purrlings may stick with the same group all their life, or they may go to another group in passing, or they may even venture off to make their own group. It's unlikely you'll find a Purrling on their own for long though - they're a small species who value the safety being in a family provides. 

Purrlings have an average lifespan similar to that of humans. They age faster but once they reach young adulthood their aging slows down as they begin to finish growing. An adult Purrling generally can range from two to three feet tall. While they're capable of walking and running on all four legs, they generally don't - preferring to remain bipedal on digitigrade legs. Their average weight can vary from about 30-45 pounds. They come in all variety of pattern, texture, color and etc., just as your normal cat would. 'Pure bred' lineages are more common amongst Purrlings that have a small territory that they wander. Mix breeds are most common, especially amongst the families that have similar territories. 

While most are not inherently born with magic, there have been some Purrlings that have learned the ways. The most common class among them are rogues, rangers and druids. They're a limber and nimble people, graced with high dexterities and constitutions. Adventuring is a common pursuit for young adults finding themselves; some find that the adventurers life isn't for them and return to their family to pick up a trade, while some live off the thrill and may take years before settling back down. 

Purrlings partake in a coming of age tradition called The Cloaking. Not nearly as scary as it sounds, The Cloaking is a rite where a Purrling will create their own unique cloak. Each Purrling has a cloak, cape, capelet, coat, etc., that they've designed and created with the help of the adult members of their family unit. The adults may offer the young Purrling one item to help them create their cloak, and their parents (or parental figure) will help them craft the garment. The act symbolizes the unity of the family as well as the independence of the new adult Purrling. It's at this point that the Purrling is free to choose what they want to do, while knowing that their family will always be with them in spirit. It's a rare thing to see an adult Purrling without their cloak; it's often a mark of banishment when one has no cloak. If the cloak is ever in disrepair, the Purrling will simply patch it up instead of getting a new one, no matter how old and/or rugged it is. 

They have a pretty even distribution of male to female, and are for the most part androgynous. Purrlings don't think about gender in the same way other humanoid races might; they don't put much emphasis on being a man or a woman. Trans Purrlings aren't unheard of and it isn't a big deal for a Purrling to come out to their unit (it's as simple as telling everyone that you would like to be referred to as your chosen pronoun and the others will address you as such from then on). When encountering outside expectations and cultural ideals on gender, a Purrling may often show a bit of confusion, amusement or bewilderment at other races standards. 

Most families will at some point come in contact with other races, whether that be in passing in their nomadic routes or when the family stays near a city or town for a little while. For the most part, Purrlings behave similarly to cats, which is to say: their reactions to other races is a mixed bag. Some of them would prefer to be left alone and not socialize with strangers, others are curious, some suspicious, while some yet may be downright friendly and approach strangers all on their own. It's usually a rule of thumb that family units stick to their own while around strangers, but most groups are open to bartering and perhaps even doing odd jobs for the family coffers. 

  • As an open species, please feel free to make your own Purrling! I'd love to see them too ^^
  • I don't mind them being used in nsfw content, but only as adults. 
  • If you have any questions about them please just ask! 
  • You're free to put them in whatever world you want, they don't have a private/closed world. 
  • You may trade or gift characters of this species, but you may not sell them!

DND stats: small size. 35ft movement , 30ft climbing. +2 to dex , +1 to your choice.
                   dark vision: 40ft. || keen smell: adv. to per. checks that use smell || claws: 5ft, 1d1+str mod; slashing. bite: 1d2+str mod; piercing.
                   feline fine: proficiency to perception & stealth || chatter cat: can understand and communicate with (natural) feline species.