Vail Wilkes



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Vail Lure Wilkes










True Neutral



"Are you some kind of creep?"


Personality: Easily sucked into routine and doesn't go out of his way to socialise. He rarely cares about things that don't affect him directly. Most people know him on a surface level, commenting that he isn't the best but also not the worst. However, if he cares about something, he becomes protective. Similarly, if something starts to bother him, he will take it on to get it over with as quickly as possible. He's direct. 

Brief Story: Vail was orphaned at 14, left only with his house and a strange lamp from his father. Vail carries the lamp everywhere he goes. He took his father's job as a lamplighter for 5 years before meeting someone who expressed interest in his lamp. The man was an antique shop owner, Callahan, whose store was on the street that Vail worked on. Vail began working with Callahan to uncover the mysteries of his lamp.

Story: The only person he knew growing up was his father, Rylan Wilkes, who  was doting and loving. He never met his mother, but his father told him  that she "left" and didn't say much more.  
Vail was homeschooled  because his family was on the poorer side. Luckily for him, Rylan was an  excellent teacher and Vail learned the basics of science, maths, his  country and how to live. Vail could see children going to school but  even as a child he understood their position. Even so, he tried his best  to sneak into classes. Sometimes he was sucessful and other times he  was found and kicked out. 

Rylan contracted a disease and his  health deteriorated quickly. Vail begged his father to see a doctor, but  his father refused. The bedridden man handed Vail a key and told him to  open up the chest in the bedside drawer. Vail found a peculiar lamp in  the chest and brought it up so his father could see it. His father  explained that he had gotten it from his wife, and that it was all that  she had left him before she dissappeared. He could never figure out what  it was for or why she had left something so strange with him, but he  knew it must have been important, so he wanted Vail to know about it and  to keep it safe.  Vail promised to do so. His father then told him that  he was to keep the house and some money he had saved for him, and to  refuse to sell any of it no matter what people may tell him.  

At  the mention of the decent amount of money, Vail shot up, intending to  bring a doctor. Despite his father's protests, Vail bolted out of the  door. By the time he returned with a doctor, his father had already  passed. Vail gripped his father's face and grieved, regretting that he  was not by his side in his last moments. The doctor took pity on Vail  and offered to at least diagnose his father for a small fraction of the  usual fee. Rylan was taken by . There was no cure for it and Rylan most  likely knew it. Vail grieved in silence as tears streamed down his face,  trying his best not to make a sound. The doctor gently pat his  shoulder, and said that he could choose whether or not to pay him later  on, and left Vail to mourn in peace.

After Rylan's funeral, Vail  took up his father's job as a lamplighter. He paid the doctor who helped  him his usual fee, refusing to accept any discounts. The doctor told  the boy to come to him if he ever felt sick. For 5 years, Vail got by as  a lamplighter and got to know the doctor better. 

In a turn of  events, Vail got aquainted with the owner of an antique shop who  expressed interest in his mother's lamp. It was the first time anyone  had mentioned the lamp, let alone show an interest in it. Vail decided  to use him to figure out what secrets the lamp might hold. The man also  gave him delicious biscuits and tea. He regularly visited the antique  shop ever since.


  • Callahan Woodrow Whittaker - The antique shop owner who helps Vail uncover the secrets of his mother's lamp. Becomes a love interest later on, because i want it and i can do what i want.
  • Dr. Something - Helped Vail as he mourned his father's death and a good friend. Treats Vail like a little brother.
  • Rylan Wilkes - Loving father
  • Rowena/Carolina(?) - Mother


  • The doctor helped Vail with the paperwork for registering Rylan's death.
  • Vail never accepted any special treatment from the doctor, but went only  to his clinic if he felt ill. Vail wanted to thank the doctor for his  kindness, and preferred to show it this way instead of with words or  special offers.
  • Vail likes the tea that Callahan brews.
  • His mother was a witch and Vail has her abilities as well.