🌊 Grac's Comments

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He is beautiful and so is the art! I especially love his design. I even liked his bio about him. ^ ^ I know what it is like to have a comfort character, I got some myself.

Not gonna lie but I did mistaken him as a Wings of Fire fan character. XD It took me a while to realize he aren't, pardon me for mistaken I'm tired lol.

Anyway I had to comment cause he is gorgeous.  ^ ^ You should be proud of what you've created, I couldn't design something like this. c: I'm kinda jealous but in a good one. ♥ Keep up the great work you have pontiental in designing and in art. ♥ Very lovely to come across and I'm glad to see it. ♥

ah sorry I didn't see this sooner! thank you so much, he is my pride and joy and I'm glad to hear other people like him too ;_;

(He's been mistakes for a wings of fire character a few times, I think its the fins or something lol)

No worries. ^ ^ You're very welcome! :D Oh that is good to hear. ^ ^ I am glad he is. That's good. c:

Oh I think so too. Glad I aren't the only one mistaken then. Regardless, he still a neat character! ^ ^