Briar Rose



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Briar Rose


Bumble Bee




Female (She/Her)


March 10th, 1999


Human (Crimson Red Hair, Brown Eyes)



She mostly draws in her free time and communicates with only her three friends. She has a hard time socializing with other people around him. She's lived in Acorn Ave. Apartments throughout her life and is nearly born and raised there up until her teen years, yet she was a very sheltered person. She gets sensitive to loud noises or lights that causes her anxiety and stress. 

As she grew older, so did her personality. She expresses herself by drawing and wearing different styles. She never misses a day on dressing up for Halloween or Christmas, and even volunteers on Claudia's tailoring projects being the "guinea pig" to cosplaying her hand made costumes. Dressing up was a simple way of becoming the person she likes to be on her very special days, even if that means dressing up as a different person, whether it's a certain style such as being a tomboy or a princess that others will see as hardly noticeable. But to Rose, it's a blissful experience and was more easier to explain without saying a word. 

Briar Rose is the most quiet and mysterious out of the group of four. She is more attached to Gizmo and can be a bit protective to each other. In her group, she's often the researcher and a bystander. She prefers to be indoors or by the school fields when sticking with the group. With Gizmo around, this soothes her to make the fearful overthinking habits slow down, which slowly starts to make her personality bloom as she gets older and to finally come out of her shell

She first volunteers Claudia on helping her solve the abandoned case of her doll's mysterious sudden passing. She keeps her distance from Ramona and doesn't get along with her as much as the others who are more interested with the living doll. 

Rose slowly becomes aware that there was a presence watching over her ever since she had the sleepover at Claudia's apartment. She couldn't explain it, but she would always see a young woman by the end of the park or at the edge of her living room with the lights cut off. The unidentified spirit glared at their victim emotionless, stalking the poor kid for hours. They looked cold as death, yet the figure was full of life. Taking a step closer to confront the living ghost, it was surprising to Rose that this spirit was much more realistic in person. With long dark hair, a navy blue zipped hoodie, and a pair of bright emerald green eyes that stand out to the pitch black voids. She was who Rose nicknames "A Living Siren" for the time being, becoming intrigued and wanting to know more about the siren. 

She hasn't told anyone about the siren watching her but she has payed close attention to the small details about Ramona's alert, rumors about having a violent sister with the same similarities, keeping notes. Although she sees the siren doing nothing by stalking, it still gives Rose a burning sense of fear and a hidden wave of paranoia. Reverting back into square one, becoming more closeted and keeping the incident just to herself for several years. Meanwhile triggering the dead stalker that later affects her life to a far worse future. 

This incident goes on after 7 long years before suddenly disappearing from her home. Briar Rose leaves a goodbye note and a heavily damaged apartment room. The room that nobody was able to have a chance to visit.