☆ Sienna ☆'s Comments

amgggg she is so precious!!!!! If you ever decide to sell/trade her please let me know! <333

Will do!

i dont connect w this girl like at all so I'll sell/trade :'0 preferably sell but she'd be easy to get off me

ah what are you looking to get for her? o: I'd love to buy her! <33

I'm really unsure, as I got her in trade ;w; but she is an HQ design (gardentears) so hopefully something you think is fair for her?? :00

ah ok well I did a little research and she was a custom from gardentears and im assuming she was gotten before gardentears gave the customs a discount on customs soo im guessing she was roughly 400points or so. So i could offer 450 points?

That works for me! Here's my DA: http://macintoshpius.deviantart.com/

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