Victor's Comments



OMGGG bro I love this guy so much o///o

I can offer 7 dollars USD, 11 DA points, and a fullbody and headshot

Art examples here I'd do something in a style like this (with clean lines and shading), unless you'd prefer more cartoony 

I can accept ! Would you be able to draw them?



for your character, are both arms covered in the fishnets? And do they just wear black jeans and black shoes or something? In the spoiler box are pictures of what i mean:


Yeah, the arm sleeves cover to the hands and I don’t mind what pants you use, the picture you chose is fine though. (:


last question hehe, do they have a human nose or is it like an Equine? (I'll add a pic in a sec to describe what I mean,,, I wanna make sure I get the details correct! :)

Very simplified version of what I mean: left is equine nose, right is human:


EDIT: ok last last thing haha, should their eye color be black? Or is there any other color you had in mind? Just wanna double check, but If I get any details wrong later, please don't hesitate to correct me :P /lh

Human nose! And the eye color is black/dark brown


Thanks for letting me know :D I'll start the art asap 

Just wanted to let you know I did a little ref in case you wanted to use it.

6 Replies

I didn’t see anyone I’d use.