Hiori Uchiha



3 years, 7 months ago


Hiori Uchiha

Name: Hiori Uchiha
Age: 28
Species: Pseudo-Jinchuuriki
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 111 lbs
Eye Color: Blue ( with Sharingan active )
DOB: 20/07
Blood Type:O Negative
Orientation: Homosexual

Nickname: Riri
Pronouns: She/her
Relationship: Taken
Occupation: Jonin
Theme: Die Ärzte - Bitte, Bitte
Worth: [$35]
Bio & Info

Likes: Hiori's biggest obsession is Suzume. She would do anything for her lover. She also has intense obsessions for sweet things, such as chocolate, ice cream and cake, as well as drinks like thickshakes and cream liquors. When she isn't indulging in these, she spends a fair bit of time polishing her twin ninjato, as these tools have been with her since her ROOT days and are a reminder of her past. It calms her to handle them.
Dislikes: In stark contrast to her abundant sweet tooth, Hiori hates anything that is remotely bitter. She will turn her nose up at anything that tastes remotely of coffee, and dark chocolate is something else she just cannot stand. While she wouldn't say she dislikes men, per se, she does dislike the macho ones that hit on her and expect her to fall at their feet.

Hiori was born to a low ranking member of the Uchiha clan, who had been raped by a much higher ranked member of the clan. This unholy union resulted in her birth. Her mother, who had never awakened the Sharingan herself, not even the base form, was unable to afford to raise her young child. Instead, she opted to place her in a small orphanage a long way from the Uchiha compound. This was in the hope that no one would discover Hiori's heritage and to protect her daughter from those in the village who wished to experiment on members of the Uchiha clan.

Despite her mother's wish, this wasn't to come to past. Instead, one day when the five year old Hiori found herself being bullied and beaten up by a group of children in the orphanage, she would awaken her own Sharingan. With it, she totally destroyed the children, dominating them completely and injuring all of them that extensively that they all required hospitalization. Such was her skill with her newly awakened Dojutsu that even the adults who ran the orphange were unable to stop the young Uchiha's rampage, with two Jonin instead having to step in. From then on, Hiori was taken in by ANBU Root Division.

As a member of ANBU's Root, Hiori was raised to be a brutal and efficient killer. Despite this, they coukdn't kill her personality, with Hiori refusing to become just an emotionless tool for the higher ups to use. As such, by the time she was ten they had decided to experiment on the young Uchiha rather than dispatch her on missions. It was during this time she was infused cells from Shimo Yuki, the future Mizukage and Isonade's Jinchuuriki. This had the effect of mutating her Sharingan, turning it icy blue and making her Mangekyou resemble a snowflake. It also granted her the Hyouton Kekkei Genkai and turned her into a pseudo-Jinchuuriki. The power increase she got was exponential, but she also rampaged around Konoha on multiple occasions while trying to control her new abilities.

She met Suzume Hyūga around then, with the Hyūga clan member being one of the ninja frequently dispatched to clean up after her rampages. The two of them got on really well, regularly visiting each other's places in order to binge on sweet things, something they both loved. Shortly after the two girls met, they were given the opportunity to compete in the Chunin Exams.

Hiori used her Sharingan to copy the answers given by the people she had assessed to be the smartest amongst their group during the written portion of the exams. During the Forest of Death portion, she and Suzume competed to see who could reach the center of the Forest first, with Suzume narrowly cinching the win by using her Byakugan to locate the scrolls she needed. During the fighting section of the exam, Hiori was placed against a powerful Jiton user. His Magnet Release and Iron Sand attacks actually saw Hiori initially placed on the backfoot, with her regular Sharingan unable to keep up. Finally, Hiori activated her EMS, which had the side effect of drawing out the first tail of her Pseudo-Jinchuriki cloak. The temperature in the stadium had dropped well below what most people could survive at when she did this, caused by one of the innate abilities of her new eyes, which summoned a chakra laced blizzard which only her EMS could see through, the snow obscuring even the Byakugan.

Her opponent, who was closest to the center of the blizzard, was affected the most by the drop in temp and truthfully, Hiori could have won without lifting a finger if she had wanted too. Instead the Uchiha, miffed at being forced to go this far, went all out. She used the second ability of her EMS, which essentially froze time itself, and then closed with her foe, hitting him with a Bijuu powered, Hyouton infused Rasengan which saw the impact site, his chest, frost damaged at a molecular level. If she hadn't caught herself at the last moment and stopped the technique, it's likely she would have killed him. When she released Jikan Uchi ni Tōketsu and time thawed, it took the assembled audience a moment to figure out what had happened, before she was declared the victor in the face of her overwhelming ocular prowess.

As a Chunin, her missions became much harder. Operating partially free from the confines of ROOT, howver, her work was allowed to shine in the light and actually be appreciated by people in the Village. Hiori was by no means platonic during this time, although a large part of her heart already belonged to Suzume, who had saved the rampagaing Uchiha from herself on multiple occasions by shutting down her chakra points and always been there to comfort Hiori during the period of pain this caused. As such, despite having multiple flings, none of her relationships were ever serious.

Finally, Hiori had the chance to catch up with Suzume and, to her delight, it turned out the Hyuga had discovered she was homosexual. It didn't take much coaxing by the Uchiha to convince the other girl to lay with her, although she was very surprised by the ferocious dominance Suzume displayed, totally overwhelming Hiori and teaching her about her own, submissive core. They continued for a couple of months to see other people, but it didn't take long for the pair to become exclusive, with Suzume being entirely possessive and jealous over Hiori, to the point she made the Uchiha wear a purple leather collar with a gold heart padlock, to which only she had a key.

With ROOT completely disbanded, she and Suzume were both made Jonin, shortly before the Fourth Shinobi World War. She and Suzume both fought extensive battles with the Akatsuki during this time, killing two of their members between them. Two years after they were made Jonin, the war came in full. Hiori fought alongside Suzume against multiple reincarnated ninja. While Suzume met and fought against her mother for the first time, after the reborn woman killed Suzume's father, Hiori got the chance to take vengeance aagainst her father, who revealed himself to her as one of the reborn ninja too. While he recognized the powerful warrior she had become and sought to praise her because of it, she simply tore through him, destroying him to the point it had been simple for the sealing ninja to finish him. Shortly after this, the enemy enacted the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and both Hiori and Suzume took no further part in the War.

While Suzume would be named the head of the Hyuga Clan and essentially retired, there was no such luck for Hiori. Offically recognized as being at least Kage level, Hiori was dispatched on the most difficult of missions left in the world, often seeing her come into contact with Otsutsuki clan members and other such powerhouses. And while officially she was dispatched on these missions alone, where she went Suzume would follow to keep an eye out for her pet, not trusting Hiori entirely to make it home in one piece.

