David "Dai'" Blaese



3 years, 7 months ago


Basic Information:

-Name: Dr David "Dai" Blaese

-Pronouns: He/him, they/them

-Age: 27

-Date of Birth: Jan 14, 1994

-Occupation: Relationship counselor/ therapist

-Species: Porygon2 (#002331) 


Physical Description:

-Height: 5' 11"

-Weight: 148 lbs

-Build: Dai's build is fairly slim, just a few pounds under the average weight for his height. They keep physically active and have a slim, but well maintained build.


Background Information:


- A bit absent minded at time, easily misplaces things

- Can come across as code, thought that's not his intention.

+ Curious, always looking for a good excuse to pick someone's brain

+ Oddly generous, if someone doesn't have food, he'll gladly give his meal away since he doesn't need to eat

-Background: A single line of coding and the virtual world opened around Dai. Given the name Experiment 5, the then blocky avian was amazed by how realistic the coding around him seemed. He could touch, feel, hear, and smell everything... but it was just the coding of the false reality. On the other side of the monitor, a failed experiment was being taken by the doctor and his team to be deleted. The porygon grew for a few years in this digital space with their "siblings", learning compassion, fear, anger, and other emotions in order to create a lifelike being from pure code. On the outside, the doctor has scrawled down a few names and a small note next to each on his clipboard, "Melody- not ready, Michael- not ready, Olivia- not ready, Oliver- not ready... David- ready". As far as Dia could remember, the gentle breeze that blew suddenly gave way as the bright false world transitioned into a bleak, cold and sterile room filled with various mons in white coats, jotting things down as the ridged body he had "awoken to" powered on. Given a set of clothes, enrolled in school, and asigned new name, Dai felt alone. The siblings he knew confusedly looking for the young AI on the monitor. He pounded on the screen, letting out an unnatural digital "I'm here, I'm right here!" with a sob as the staff came to comfort him. The experiment was a success, artificial intelligence had been able to learn what it was like to be alive.

Besides missing the siblings they grew up with, Dai learned to cope with reality. He could still see and influence his siblings, even if they couldn't see him through the screen. Learning and growing, Dai found themselves ready for an upgrade, evolving into a Porygon2, with an enhanced AI that could feel and experience much more... like love and pain. Remembering the grief that leaving his siblings caused, David swore he would find a way to become humanity's emotional support. When he finally came of age after graduation, Dai set off for college to get his degree in psychology to study the psyche of living beings and learn more about emotions, striving to become a therapist to help the people who had the same issues he had and a relationship counselor to better understand emotions. His goal in life was set, now it was time to execute the plan in a region where the unnatural was welcomed with open arms, Marilos.

-Parents: Dr. Blaese and their team

-Siblings: Failed Experiment 1(porygon-z, deleted), Experiments 2-4(porygon)


Items in Inventory

Inventory Space: 00/10

Battle Item: Characters may have up to 2

Contest Item: Characters may have 2

Berries: Characters may have up to 2

Misc. Items: Characters may have up to 6 (If you chose not to use your berries slots. Otherwise, characters may have up to 4. Pets are included in Misc. Items)


Pokemon Information:

-Level: Lv 4

-Typing: Normal

-Ability: Download 

-Held Item: If you have purchased an item from the EXP store, Choose ONE to hold. Can possess several items, but cannot carry more than one at a time.

-Stats: Start with the Base Stats of your Pokemon (Can be found on PokemonDB). Then, you can spread additional stat points wherever you wish. See Stats and RNG System and Character Creation for more details. Each stat caps at 300 except HP, which caps at 400.

      HP: 90 (85+5)

      Attack: 100 (80 + 20)

      Defense: 110 (90+ 20)

      Special Attack: 110 (105+5)

      Special Defense: 95

      Speed: 110 (60+ 50)

      Total Stat Points: 615 (515 + 100)


Based off of the stats above, list the ability modifier (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2, etc.) of the corresponding stat. See the chart in Stats and RNG System to determine your stats modifiers.

      Stamina/Constitution: +0

      Power/Strength: +0

      Fortitude/Wisdom: +1

      Wit/Charisma: +1

      Determination/Intelligence: +0

      Reflex/Dexterity: +1



-Moveset: Must be Moves the Pokemon can learn NATURALLY (NO TMS/HMS, Z-Moves, etc. unless purchased from the EXP store. Move Tutor and Egg moves can be used without purchase/free of charge!)

  • ( :iconpsychictypeplz: ) Psybeam
  • ( :iconelectrictypeplz: ) Discharge
  • ( :iconnormaltypeplz: ) Hyper Beam
  • ( :iconnromaltypeplz: ) Recover

Roleplay Sample: Mandatory for your First Pokemon. Must be 3-5 sentences long at least.


Extra: Feel free to put any additional information about your character here! Sexuality, preferences, Chatroom Username, etc~


Relationships: You can remove this as long as you have an updated spreadsheet or other means of showing character relationships linked.

❖| Barely Notices  

❖❖| Unsure Of

❖❖❖| Acquaintance 

♛| Respects

♛♛| Admires

♛♛♛| Role Model

★| Friend

★★| Close Friend

★★★| Best Friend

❧| Nervous

❧❧| Discomfort

❧❧❧ | Scared Of

✿| Attracted to

✿✿| Crush

✿✿✿| Love (Platonic or Otherwise)

✲| Annoyed With

⚔| Dislikes

⚔⚔| Hates

⚔⚔⚔| Can't Stand to be Around





Character (c) Matlock99

Art (c) Matlock99

Ref. Sheet (c) MediocreKit