Sid Xeko



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info














December 1 (Sagittarius)


Shroud Village, Amarizai

Starting Evomon:


Personal Item:


Full Team:


First Appearance:

UE: Experico - Chapter 1 Lunar Beginnings

Last Appearance:




[Arc 1]

Sid is a 17 year old teen standing at 5’5” (167cm) with brown hair and amber eyes, having semi-darktan skin. He wears a dark teal sweater with the sleeves going just over his elbows, lined with a lighter dark teal. Wearing dark blue-grey pants fitted with teal and white shoes, having blue and red laces. His watch his the typical black colouring with a white clock face. 


Sid is very friendly and outgoing in personality, very much so that he finds every opportunity to volunteer and help others. Sid makes friends rather easily as he has a big heart making him sensitive to other’s feelings. This makes him become very attached to those he becomes friends with, sometimes, his big heart clouds his judgment of situations.


At a young age, Sid has always come across as very friendly towards others and generally had a very easy time communicating with people and Evomon. Sid keeps to himself for the most part but is open to having conversations with others if so need be. When he was 5, he began helping his mother with doing things around the house. Sid is the second youngest in his family being the only boy, but this doesn’t discourage Sid in the slightest as he quite enjoyed hanging out with his older sisters and watching his youngest sister. Because of this, Sid has learned to have a lot of empathy towards others feelings and appreciate the differences of other people. During school, Sid excelled at making friends with the other children and came up on top in volunteer work around the community. At the age of 10, he earned his nickname “Scout” in terms of how ready he was to volunteer to help out. Upon graduation, his mother gifted Sid a watch as congratulations for graduating. It was also gifted to him for him to read and keep track of the time as it wasn’t uncommon for Sid to be volunteering and get home late.

Outside of school and volunteer work, Sid takes his time studying various medicinal plants that grow in the forest around Shroud Village. Having even purchased a booklet on these plants to better find them easily, reading up on how to use these plants correctly. This also inspired Sid that he’ll become a vet once he gets approved for schooling, believing he could be different in terms of using more natural medicines to help Evomon. He also spends time with his siblings as he helps his youngest sibling with learning and school work if his parents or other siblings are busy. Sid also talks his older siblings into helping him with volunteer work at times but doesn’t force them if they don’t want to. Sid enjoys the movie nights with his family when everyone has time to be together. With his family Evomon, he watched how his parents took care of them and frequents the local Evomon Shelter to volunteer more then anything else. His big heart sometimes gets the better of his judgment at times as he always typically gets discouraged when something goes wrong.

Sid learned about the event in Thundore Bay, Candea through papers posted on a bulletin board at the Evomon Shelter he volunteers at. Encouraged by his family to go, Sid made extra preparations to travel to Candea from its climate to what plants grow in the region. He’d even looked into potential volunteer work in Candea wanting to lend his hand in helping the people there as well. Very adamant in keeping in touch with his family while he’s touring the region of Candea.

Once he’d arrived in Thundore Bay and attending the event, Sid chose Pandede as his starting Evomon even though Vynce informed him the Evomon was a lot younger then the typical ones normally issued for choosing events. Sid took it upon himself to teach Pandede about the world and how to combat in battles if he needs to defend himself.



Mila Xeko – Sid’s mother, having a very close relationship with his mother as she always encouraged him in doing what he felt was right to do. He typically helped her a lot with the housework before he started going to school, she gifted him the watch he wears for his graduation.

Beckett Xeko – Sid’s father, having a close relationship with him as he does with all of his family. Being the only other human male in the family, Sid learned several things from him in terms of helping others in need.

Ella Xeko –Sid’s youngest sibling, being 9 years younger then him. He helps her with her school work and some of her school projects. Ella has a very close bond with Sid and owns the family Kitost, the goal being it to be her life long Evomon.

Willow Xeko – Sid’s second eldest sibling, being 6 years older then him. Being bit more of the reclusive type among the siblings and typically the hardest to convince to go volunteering with Sid and Riley. But she does enjoy listening to Sid talk about the natural medicinal plants and owns the Meeca.

Riley Xeko – Sid’s eldest sibling, being 10 years older then him. She’s more or less exactly like Sid in personality, being where Sid learned most of his behaviour from. Riley jumps at the chance to join Sid in volunteering, her favourite volunteer time being at the Evomon Shelter primarily the aviary room. She owns the Sunure that she’d actually adopted from the Evomon Shelter after the two had made a bond together.

Zuri Lycia – Zuri was Sid’s school teacher and one of the top professors in the Amarizai region. Sid always took interest in her classes learning about Evomon and how they help themselves in the wild without human interference. Sid had asked her which medicinal plant books were the better ones to learn from and learned how to find them in the wild with Zuri’s advice.


Folibark – The family Evomon, Folibark has been in the family for as long as Sid can remember. His parents telling them they had Folibark before Riley was born, having a close relationship with Folibark as he views Folibark as another sibling. Folibark follows Ella around constantly due to being the youngest, having done so with all the children.

Sunure – Riley’s Evomon, being the Half-Moon variation of colouring. Sunure has more of a closer bond with Riley then he does with other members of the family, but does enjoy Sid’s company from time to time.

Meeca – Willow’s Evomon, being very bashful in nature Meeca is the Cumulonimbus type having the largest cloud tail. Meeca typically follows Sid along on his trips to the forest to find medicinal plants to observe and study, enjoying eating the Aqua Flower buds that she accumulatesmoisture from in her cloud tail.

Kitost – Ella’s Evomon, very curious and friendly Kitost is no stranger to being friends with everyone. Having the typical relationship with Sid, he enjoys play and attempts to play with the other family Evomon.

Pandede – Sid’s chosen starter, immediately forming a connection with Pandede. Sid enjoys the thought of teaching an Evomon about the world, believing it can give them a stronger bond.