Radek Jarah



3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Dek J












July 21 (Cancer)


Chinpa Town, Austiasrus

Starting Evomon:


Personal Item:


Full Team:


First Appearance:

UE: Experico - Chapter 1 Lunar Beginnings

Last Appearance:




[Arc 1]

Radek is a 19 year old young adult standing at 6’6” (201 cm) with bronze orange hair and green eyes. Having dark skin,he wears a tattered sangria red cap from his father constantly fit with a dark orange jacket. Wearing a grey tank top underneath, Radek wears a pair of olive green cargo pants and dark brown boots. He wears a pair of finger cut gloves, with the knuckles exposed and the back of his hand.


Radek is rather blunt in personality, having a no filter attitude he doesn’t shy away from expressing himself and telling people what they’re doing wrong. He can come off as opinionated however, he knows when to admit he’s wrong about something. Radek can be indecisive on what he typically wants to do in life, having always struggled with it since he was young. Radek is always ready to come to the defence of his friends and family, even willing to throw hands if he has to. Sometimes, Radek likes to be by himself and get lost in his own thoughts.


Radek when he was young had always been hard headed, not letting others get him down while also not letting them get away with treating others unfairly. Having learned from his father, he helped him majority of the time with the family business in his hometown of Chinpa Town. When he isn’t going to school, he’s helping his father check small traps in the forest. Radek was always kind towards his two youngest siblings, Andy and Isabelle. Radek was extremely close with his father, always listening to what he said and learning from him. At 10yrs old, Radek lost his father to a wild Badiak attack that deemed to be fatal. Always blaming himself for not going with him to check the traps that day, although he would not have been able to do much. Gifted his father’s hat that he cherishes to this day, never leaving the house without it. Radek is very possessive of this hat and he will become defensive if its knocked off his head or someone tries taking it. He began having trouble making decisions on his own becoming indecisive in nature, since he was always used to having his father’s opinion.

Outside of school work, Radek would watch his younger siblings or work the family business of looking over the traps. Being a male figure for Andy and Isabelle due to not having any other in town family outside of his grandmother. He tries his best to teach them what his father had done, though doesn’t force his brother to do any of it due to him being more nervous about working with the traps unlike his sister. Helping them with their school work while doing his own, his mother being grateful for his help. He didn’t plan on exploring out of his home region that his classmates had left and gone to doing, staying behind to keep watch over his family. His family used to have a Musawn that helped with the wagon until a fire had broken out, Radek had tried to save specific equipment but wasn’t able to. Being saved by their family Musawn, after this event Musawn was sent away for treatment of injuries but had never returned his family thinking it was better for the Evomon to keep receiving treatments they had no experience giving.

Radek had taken the extra classes as he wasn’t actually sure if he wanted to explore outside of Austiasrus, graduating at 19. He’d stuck around home for a while until his siblings had found out about an event going on in Candea, trying to encourage him to take part but he refused. It wasn’t until his mother dug out his father’s old backpack that he considered it, after much persuasion Radek had decided he would go. Taking something of Andy’s and Isabelle’s with him on his adventure that he keeps in his backpack, being two keychains representing his siblings’ favourite Evomon.

Once he’d arrived in Thundore Bay for the event, he couldn’t decide on what Starter Evomon he wanted to pick. He inevitably was chosen by Batso, a very friendly Evomon with no respect for personal space and does things without thinking about it.



Jared Jarah – Radek’s late father, having a very close relationship with his father. Radek would always follow his father to check on traps and help sell them in town, he keeps hold of his father’s hat after his death. No matter how tattered it gets, he’ll always keep it patched up and wear it no matter the occasion.

Sarah Jarah – Radek’s mother, he has a close relationship with his mother as he helps her around the house and with his siblings. She always encouraged Radek to go with his own goals, though she knew he would have trouble without his father’s opinions. She convinced him with his siblings to go to Candea to start his own new adventure.

Dahlia Jarah – Radek’s grandmother, he doesn’t have too much of a close relationship with her but has one nonetheless. She helped with the family business of primarily cooking the meat for cooked prepped meals.

Andy Jarah – Radek’s young brother, having a close relationship with him. He tries to teach Andy the ropes to the family business, though Andy is awkward and has a lot of empathy towards Evomon so it bothers him seeing them dead in traps. Respecting this decision, Radek doesn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to. Andy’s favourite Evomon is a Lem.

Isabelle Jarah – Radek’s young sister, having a close relationship with her. Isabelle is more of a rough in the mud type of personality, understanding how the world works and that if the traps didn’t catch the Evomon a bigger Evomon would have. She was the first to rush Radek about going to the Candea Evomon Event. Isabelle’s favourite Evomon is a Fedger.

Harley Uzo – He was Radek’s school teacher and one of the top professors of the Austiasrus. Radek always found him a little odd, primarily in the way he spoke. He’d always wondered why Harley never fixed the damaged eye screen and had bluntly asked him about it. Harley tells him it’s a reminder to be careful with Evomon in general as you never know what they’ll do suddenly. That lesson always stuck with Radek and taught him to be mindful of strange Evomon and not to think every Evomon is friendly.


Musawn – A family pet of the Jarah family, Radek was always in charge of getting Musawn to the carriage and he’d occasionally feed him treats.Having a close bond with Musawn as he’d regularly go to Muswan’s stable to take a nap or go out in the field for the same reason. Muswan had saved him from a fire in the barn, although sustained some burns. He wishes he could thank Muswan for saving him one day...

Batso – Radek’s “chosen” starter Evomon, her personality is quite the opposite of his. He finds her somewhat annoying and a bit of a pest currently with how she has no personal space...