Jess Lyko



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Jessica Lyko














February 23 (Pisces)


Thundore Bay, Candea

Starting Evomon:


Personal Item:


Full Team:


First Appearance:

UE: Experico - Chapter 1 Lunar Beginnings

Last Appearance:




[Arc 1]

Jess is an 18 year old young adult standing at 5’8” (176 cm) with tawny orange hair and brown eyes. Her hair is worn in a short bob with peachy skin, which is spotted with freckles on her face. She wears a deep red zip up vest over a turtle green shirt, her glasses are a deep forest green colour. Wearing brown shorts fitted with pockets by the hips and at the bottom section, wearing tan boots.


Jess’ personality comes off outgoing and charismatic, her character typically helps others come out of their shell. Which helped with her Foreco, though she knows her approach doesn’t work with everyone. She can also be indecisive about things, taking a while and sometimes a bit of convincing into doing something before she’ll decide to do it. Jess is completely incapable of dividing her attention, multitasking is not her strong suit and she can only focus on one thing at a time.


At a young age, Jess had always aspired to be like her older brother Cole who’d already left and gone on his adventures. She tried to follow him on many occasions into the forest but he’d refuse to let her follow, telling her it was too dangerous for someone her age. Jess refusing to believe this due to her brother never coming back harmed, deciding she’d show off that she was brave going into the forest herself. She’d gotten lost eventually stumbling onto a Sargento nest she’d accidentally disturbed, releasing the Evomon swarming out of the hive. Although they never harmed her, it gave Jess a deep seeded melissophobia of this group of Evomon. Discovered upon this time, Jess couldn’t see very well diagnosed in being nearsighted being the cause of why she didn’t see the Sargento hive. After a long while of Jess being a bit fearful of going outside, her parents decided to get her an Evomon that could “eat bugs” to make her feel better. Gifting her Foreco, a rescued Evomon abandoned by its previous Handler. Bringing the Foreco everywhere with her in a pouch she wears around her waist.

Jess met Newt Moon in kindergarten, being one of her first friends at school. Meeting Raven Sunne through Newt, she got along fairly well with Newt due to their personalities mingled easily but it took a while for Raven. Her Foreco got along well with Raven’s Aco, being what allowed them to connect a lot more easily when talking about their Evomon. In school, Jess was only able to focus on one assigned assignment at a time unable to multitask between multiple things at once. Making group projects a little difficult for her to follow, Newt figuring it would be easiest to divide up projects like this by giving Jess one thing to do while her and Raven focused on other things. She’d become indecisive about things as well when it came to projects they were able to pick the subject on, being hard-headed in terms of when she did make a choice and sticking to it.

On graduation, her mother gifted Jess a pendant that was owned by her late grandmother. Cherishing it, she keeps it under her shirt at all times. Taking it as a good luck charm, she stuck around with Newt and Raven when the two decided to take two extra years of classes being the first time Jess didn’t take a bit to decide. Once they graduated once more and Jess turned 18, they found out about the event encouraging Newt to partake in it. Although Jess was one of the two who opted Newt to go, she was indecisive about actually attending the event herself until Raven convinced her otherwise. She didn’t pursue Newt after she’d run off, feeling maybe it’d make the situation worst.



Camila Lyko – Jess’ mother, having a close bond with her as she is the one who adopted Foreco for her along with gifting her the pendant. She’d always given her support in whatever she decided she wanted to do, though at times got impatient when Jess would only get one of her chores done.

Henry Lyko – Jess’ father, she has a relationship with him however he isn’t home much due to his work. But she enjoys spending time with him when he has time to be home, he is the one who got Jess her glasses and took the forest green ones she wanted. He later one gets a modification done for her glasses before she leaves on her adventures.

Cole Lyko – Jess’ big brother, although he’s 15yrs older then her Jess aspires to be like him going on adventures. She has a very close relationship with her brother, even trying to follow after him on numerous occasions when he returned home. She gets along very well with his Blizarel.

Newt Moon – One of Jess’ first friends, she met Newt in kindergarten the two hitting it off rather easily. The two would hang out every recess and even go to each other’s homes to play, although she has trouble focusing on multiple things at a time. Jess has always been on point getting Newt to pay attention in class or get her work done.

Raven Sunne – A friend Jess met through Newt, at first she thought Raven didn’t like her at all until finding out she was just very shy. Trying to find something to connect with her on, since she was Newt's friend she wanted to get along with her too. Finding out Raven was better at talking with Evomon so she brought up her Foreco, from then on the two hit if off as friends.

Vynce Pollock – Jess’ main teacher at the Evoschool, he helped Jess with her homework at times when she was starting to fall behind due to being distracted on something else she was focused on.He’d given her some tips on how to handle Foreco and her behaviour problems she had when she was alone. He even offered giving Foreco something to hide in like a pouch, which is where the pouch idea had come from. He offers a lot of advice to Jess in trying to help her with her phobia and her issue with multitasking.


Foreco – Jess’ first Evomon of her own, adopted from a rescue as a gift to Jess to help with her phobia. Foreco has separation anxiety and tends to get anxious when away from Jess, though is also nervous about being out in the open for too long. Jess learned a lot about how to work with Foreco from Vynce Pollock, doing her best to make sure Foreco is comfortable.

Aco – Aco is Raven’s Evomon, meeting her at school. Aco didn’t seem to pay much attention to Jess at first as her primary objective was following Raven and making sure she was okay. It was not until Jess brought out her Foreco that she paid any attention, told Aco has a very mothering personality. She doesn’t have a super obvious relationship with Jess outside of Foreco, letting her nuzzle into her wool.

Finn (St.Blizzard) – Newt's (her father’s) Evomon, Jess met him when she’d come over to her house. Very friendly in personality, Jess got along with him very well as he always followed them where ever they’d gone to. It wasn’t until later she found out Finn actually belonged to Newt's father and not her specifically.

Blizarel – Cole’s Evomon, Jess views him as another sibling. She knew him since he was a Noel, remembering when she was shown a picture of Noel when he was very small before her brother received him as an Evomon. Although Blizarel is Cole’s Evomon, he still provides a close bond with Jess and the rest of the family.