Thierry Ignace De' Michele


Basic Info

Species Owner



Thierry Ignace De' Michele
Satanic Sweet
Sugar Daddy
ESFP: The Performer


Creamy • Vamp • Ninfo • Demon

A strawberry parfait demon, who is often mistaken for an angel, Thierry is a mischievous incubus who loves to play with the hearts and bodies of humans or anyone he wants really. He has a hunger that can kill but can only be satiated by the pleasures of the flesh. He loves parties and clubs because they are great hunting grounds. His passion is knowing everything about the body. If he wasn't so horny, he would be a great chiropractor or some kind of masseuse with all the knowledge he has, but he does use that knowledge to bring great pleasure to his partners. He's not too picky on partners, as long as they are beautiful he will screw them. He doesn't care much for personality, but will bring out a kinky side for those who are into that sort of thing. To be honest there is not much he won't do. He plays coy, bitchy, but cool, even though he is definitely top. He will even play bottom to lure in his prey but will take over in the bedroom.

He lives quite a comfortable life due to old money and will often hold parties in his mansion, inviting old flings and new prey to keep him busy. He speaks in a smooth tone with hints of a greek accent but when he is angry will exclusively speak in a greek and french medially, almost a mish-mash of the two. He has a moderate flirty temperament with a petty trickster side for those who piss him off. When he really hates someone he will go out of his way to inconvenience them, sometimes taking too far.


  • Parties
  • S3x
  • Playing innocent
  • studying the body


  • Dirty Prudes
  • Prideless people
  • body shaming
  • Having to be rude infront of others
"I answer your desires, I fulfill them beyond even your expectations..."


He may be a horny fucker but no one can say he doesn't do a good job. He often takes contracts in the human world and his payment is a rather easy one so he gets jobs often as his name spreads. His clients consist of all manner of persons and he has done all of them except for one young girl who wished to save herself for her crush. Her wish was to make him fall in love with her. Thierry ended up getting a different form of payment from her and he has never told anyone what that price was. "It is our little secret, after all, there has to be some kind of client confidentiality." though that seems to be situational at best as he typically brags about his contracts. Maybe sex isn't the only thing on his mind... no definitely is. Anyway back on track, no one knows how old he is, nor much about his past because he doesn't talk about it much. What is known is known only by his close friends or those who were there. He has fought in wars, spread plagues, and destroyed empires. He has many stories and rumors about him but finding a straight answer is hard and many things are simply a bit far-fetched. No matter his past Thierry is a happy flirty demon with a modern twinkish look that often shows plenty of skin, and his compact muscles.

Trait List

Dessert: Strawberry parfait

Eyes: 2 (Standard) / Slit (S)

Ears: Elf (S)

Feet: Hooved (S)

Hair: Human (S) / No Topping (S)

Horns: 2 (S) / Devil (S) / Strawberries (S) / Chocolate Rings (Rare)

Tail: Split 1 (S) / Demon (S) / Chocolate (R) / Whipped Cream, & Edible glitter/ sprinkles (S)

Wings: 4 (R) / Wings located on upper mid & lower onto hips (S) / Feathered (R) / Yogurt (S) / Edible glitter/ sprinkles (S)

Anomaly Traits: Perm Stockings (A) / Glass cut outs (A) / Halos (A) / te spoon in his right leg topping (M)


• if the spoon on his leg falls off or is lost it will magically reappear.

• He tends to focus on his partners needs before his own.

•To flirt sometimes he will pluck a floating strawberry and eat it in a suductive and falic manner.

• He is a goofball all the way and tries to get people to smile.

•Likes to be spoiled, but won't admit it, but it makes him blush wildly.




His loving Bunny Bacon Butt! Current Boyfriend that he loves to spoil, cuddle and reck his sh1t every so often.Will often take him out to get Seir socialized.



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