Ollie (Ollie - [Season 2])



1 year, 9 months ago


...Please don't say you love me

After fleeing from the winter ball, they reside in a spruce forest far away from the rest of the server. He spends his time building a house to shelter in and gathering food and resources for himself, however he isn't alone, as to his dismay, Ceph found them. While at first very hesitant, Ceph slowly grew on them, now they spend a lot of time together, whether Ollie likes it or not.

They have had a hard time keeping their entity quirk from affecting them. The outcome of ...certain events has left Ollie very distraught. Spacing out has become a far more constant occurance than before, and he's had a hard time controlling his thoughts and emotions.


Skill Name

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Summer breeze

At the beginning of the season, he and Oliver decided to kick back and relax, and treat their time in this world as a laid back beach vacation! They settled on a collective of small islands, fairly far from the rest of the world's habitants. While a nice and tranquil idea, Ollie is not one to sit down and do nothing. He found this lifestyle quite hard to adapt to, but he certainly tried! He collected and fed their axolotls, tended to their crops, and watched as his beloved spouse took fishing as a hobby. He had trouble slowing down, but being with Oliver made the experience a lot easier and worth pursuing.

Time had passed, he took on very small projects, like villager trading and making redstone farms to open up some shops of his own, making blueprints with his partner on what their dream house could look like. But even though it seemed like time passed slowly, it passed nonetheless, Ollie knew the server is a ticking bomb, so why not have one grand event while they are here? With a new update to the world approaching, he decided to engage with the community by hosting a winter ball! While it was a big task, he felt very refreshed from his rest and didn't struggle planning, getting the lavish castle the event would be hosted on built by Ceph, making food and drinks, and more. But his most important task was preparing the server's world for the update.


The winter ball steadily approached, despite some minor issues, everything was going according to plan, there was nothing he couldn’t deal with. Invitations were sent, the members prepared their formal attire, the menu had been chosen and the bar was being properly filled with a variety of drinks for the guests to try. Despite this, Ollie was a bit worried about the event, how couldn’t he be? Preparing food and greeting guests was certainly easy, making sure the server updates properly without issues is anything but that. But with reassurance from his spouse he did his best to push away those anxious thoughts.

The day arrived, the guests made their appearance at the ball, they admired the architecture, spent time at the bar and conversed and danced. Things were going well, after he initiated the update to be installed on the server, Ollie talked with Lis and gave them a tour of the castle built for the occasion, in between conversations Ollie handed Lis the key to a door that he believed led to nowhere as a “gift”. Soon enough the players settled into the dinning area to enjoy a grand meal, Ollie stood at the balcony overseeing the table, to give a speech accompanied by Oliver, where afterwards the update would be complete and he would take down the borders placed upon the world.

As prepared as he claimed to be, he hadn’t exactly prepared the speech he would give to the members, but after stumbling his way through an honest speech, he was prepared to execute the command to finish the update and take down the border, but it would be then when he realized he didn’t have admin privileges. He looked at his spouse next to him who he shared this power with, some sort of bug while updating must have happened that prevented him from accessing commands, and while Oliver typed a command, Ollie realized too little too late that he was typing a command to kill him.


When Ollie opened his eyes, he was drowning in the void. A very familiar place for him. He barely processed the physical pain he was feeling by the command attempting to destroy his body, instead being in utter disbelief at the series of events that unfolded so quickly before his eyes. He couldn’t understand why Oliver would do this, kill him in front of everyone. Was it a mistake? It couldn’t be. Was it on purpose? He must have taken his power himself. Was it some sick joke? Why would he do this to him? What would he do with the rest…

Ollie was unable to communicate with the rest or to use a teleportation command, he was stuck for what felt like forever, the void was empty, cold, and quiet, the only noise coming from the thoughts that ran through him. Maybe he was dead, maybe this is what it’s like, nothing. All he could do was curl up, cry, and think about what he did to end up in this position.

The silence didn't last forever, he suddenly heard a voice, and then the riled up voices of many more. As if this situation wasn't confusing and concerning enough, this certainly wasn’t normal. He turned around to see the members of his server, the players he swore to protect, the players he failed. He tried to ask and understand what had happened to them, but then in between the rambling of many, he saw Oliver appear from the void.

Ollie would prefer dying that instant rather than see him, he betrayed the server Ollie spent years forming and protecting, he betrayed him. So when Oliver approached him, taking the blame off himself and claiming this was a small mistake, that all of this was somehow done for him, it was too much.

After gaining his power back, Ollie finished the update, sealed off the server as it had been exposed for the duration of Oliver’s takeover, and teleported everyone back to their world. And once everything was settled, he ran.

Ultimately, he believed the fault for what had occurred that night fell onto his shoulders, it was him who trusted Oliver, it was him who gave him power. He was sure the rest of the server would pin him responsible too, he let everyone down, and in that moment all he could think of was to get as far away from everyone. It was a momentary thing, but Oliver followed after him and he ran as much as his legs were able to, he couldn’t face what had happened, he couldn’t face his own partner who betrayed him, so he kept running.


Ollie kept walking, even after a couple weeks had passed, going back felt like an impossible task, it was simply not an option, he knew it was wrong but he couldn’t go back.

His mind was made up, so he gathered materials and walked through the spruce forest he found himself on to make a house. However when he began building, he was somehow found, discovered by his least favorite “player”, Ceph.

Ollie would have focused on the absurdity that was being found by someone when he was incredibly far from spawn, but that was overshadowed by how out of everyone he knows….it had to be them. Ceph did their usual teasing and mocking, but they weren’t afraid to confront Ollie on the events that transpired. Making him aware of the consequences of his actions, leaving the server’s members, leaving his friends, leaving Daniel.

Ollie and Ceph never got along, and they certainly didn’t now, each throwing out words riddled with venom in an attempt to keep the other as far away from them, but deep down Ollie didn’t want to push them away. Arguing with Ceph felt a lot better than being alone with their thoughts, this would be better than living in a house filled with nothing but loneliness, so he offered them a room to stay.


As weeks turned to months, the once rivals started to soften up on eachother. While Ceph frequently bothered Ollie for their own entertainment, they would help him with tasks and chores that needed to be done. Ollie would cook food for them, and start enjoying Cephs antics and following along. It was a very confusing and unlikely friendship, but for the most part it helped him take his mind off certain events, sometimes.

He had managed to keep his quirk a secret from the other, if Ceph caught them staring motionlessly at the horizon it wasn’t hard to pass it off as him spacing out. Ollie wasn’t too bothered at first, until it started interfering with his tasks, a pig pen accidentally opened for far long, food getting burnt, losing track of time. It was easier when Oliver was at his side, not only did he help him through his unwarranted visits to the void, but his company always soothed him enough to keep his mind grounded. But now he’s unsure if he will have that level of comfort with someone ever again.

Besides that, things were going alright. Ollie had settled to the new routine, but cracks started to show. While on their travels they found a house, it was already odd to find a base out so far, they soon discovered the true owner of such place, a new player, one Ollie hadn’t invited. They were stranded on this world, they weren’t the only newcomer, and Ollie realized that they must have all been allowed to come here while the server was exposed, some came here for refuge, as at this point word must have gotten around about the existence of this server, but some were accidentally sucked into this world for one reason or another. Another source of guilt for Ollie.

Then Ceph attempted to make Ollie come back to spawn, he couldn’t hide forever, they both knew that, Ceph noticed Ollie was in need of a purpose, he wasn’t satisfied just existing. So they gave him an offer, to work for them (at their fast food restaurant!). Ollie didn’t take this news lightly, specially with Ceph’s confrontational manner, he wasn’t ready to come back yet, but Ceph continued applying pressure, cornering them, until Ollie came apart at the seams. The yelling and crying ended with him once more alone in the void. Ollie doesn’t like the loneliness that the void comes with, but in times like these they are very helpful, he managed to calm his mind, in between that process realizing that now that Ceph definitely noticed this happening, oh well.

And even after Ollie had forgiven them, he found a letter in Cephs storage from an unknown sender, written in galactic.


After the events of that night, Ollie knew that Ceph was right, he couldn’t avoid the the server forever, he missed them, all of them, and despite failing them he needs to not make that same mistake again. So he spent the next weeks trying to mentally prepare himself. He was aware he would have to give an explanation to them, and he told himself he would just be honest and tell them that he ran away out of shame, he may be a coward but he will own up to his mistakes.

He had set himself a date to be prepared, he baked a cake and told Ceph that he would be taking them up on their offer. They gave him a uniform, and they decided tomorrow they would take their first trip to spawn. Ollie wasn’t ready to permanently stay near the rest, he would simply take trips back and forth every couple weeks to get more accustomed to it all. One thing he would try to avoid was going to his and Oliver’s base.

After all this time Ollie never really sorted out their feelings about him. He was upset, angry he would do something so carelessly, disappointed that in a decision made supposedly for “his own good” he didn’t take his feelings into consideration at all, but at the same time, he missed him so dearly, not a night passed where he didn’t wish Oliver was near him at arms reach, someone to talk to, someone to cry to, someone that could embrace him and hold him close, someone to make him feel okay for once. He knew he wouldn’t be getting back to that point anymore, but he still loved Oliver, a part of him hoped they would be able to fix a part of this. But he was scared that he wouldn’t get him back.

For now, he would focus on another relationship, the one with Daniel. Dan was always a sort of wiser older figure that he could rely on, someone very laid back that's easy to talk to, a parental figure, but better. Taking that into consideration, it’s very surprising that Ollie didn’t go to Dan for support after what happened. Instead of going to someone who he knew would understand him, he fled from everyone and never told Dan where he was and how he was doing, and Ceph made sure that Ollie knew how devastating his disappearance was to him. He owed him a very big apology to say the least.


His return didn’t go how he anticipated, he expected things to look like before, except with more builds than before, but instead what he found was the spawn ground being consumed by darkness, it seemed like it was taking over the land, and what worried Ollie the most was it’s similarity to the void. He shouldn’t have left them, there was something deeply wrong here and he needed to find the rest he needed to make sure they were alright, but instead Ceph reminded them of their deal, Ollie's job new …as a fast food employee. Ollie would have argued with Ceph but technically he had to fulfill his job, so for he had to wait and bide his time, thinking what could have possibly gone wrong and think of ways to repair what had happened, he didn't even know if it was possible … he didnt know much of anything going on right now, so he’d make sure to ask people. His thoughts were interrupted however, when Dan stepped into the restaurant, both equally surprised to see each other.

Ollie apologized to Dan, told it what had happened and why he didn’t return sooner, and for extra measure gave him a cake he baked. Dan stated his disappointment in him but made it known to him that it was glad that Ollie had returned and was doing well. They decided to catch up, talk about what has happened while in the absence of each other's company. Ollie took this chance to ask what..had happened here, Dan seemed almost as equally confused, apparently holes started to appear and spread through spawn and other areas, and that it had been here for quite a while, Dan didn’t seem too worried about it, and advised Ollie to speak with his other kid, Finch, who had apparently taken a big interest in the spreading void.

Now he was far more interested in getting to the bottom of this, so he took a break from work to talk with more people, but first he needed to get off this stupid uniform …but he didn’t bring any other clothes. Rather unwisely he went against his promise to himself, and went on a quick trip to his old base, his plan was to steal some clothes and leave without being spotted, but upon arriving at the island, it was empty. He worried Oliver had left entirely and taken everything, but from the horizon he saw a fully constructed house, the home they had wanted.

He carefully entered this home, it was odd seeing it fully built and furnished, although it felt a bit empty nonetheless. He made sure to be on the lookout in case he say Oliver, but at the same time he was very intrigued by the house, they had barely started construction before he left, but now it was finished. He walked past the living room to see his old armor and the belongings he left behind, all here neatly on display, waiting for him.

He heard a noise, steps climbing down a ladder, he tried to hide but he knew it was too late to do that, and there he was, Oliver. It was a very awkward greeting, and they stumbled on their words, but instead of speaking about everything … Oliver gave him a tour of their own home. Despite everything, having a conversation felt very natural, it was easy and enjoyable, but the two were walking on eggshells, making sure to not dwell on the events that drew them apart.

Finally Ollie managed to change out of their uniform. Oliver had told them what they knew about the void, which didn’t lend him much new information, but they soon noticed that another hole was spreading near their home. Upon inspection it had a single block, a piece of an end portal. They had to go to spawn.

Surprisingly upon arriving to spawn, there were a couple people waiting at the restaurant, because apparently burgers sell even in the midst of the end of the world. Ollie managed to talk with Finch about what they knew about the void, receiving quite a bit of information, concerning information …that the void was sending Finch letters. Ollie and Oliver both realized the absurdity of that, it couldn’t have been the void talking, judging by the galactic writing, it must have been an Unknown. Oliver read the letters carefully while Ollie tried to knock some sense into Finch, to no avail. He asked them if they had seen an end portal piece, and they had several. They seemingly appeared out of nowhere in places corrupted by the void.

As the players were scrambling around spawn trying to search for anything new, the restaurant suddenly exploded. It only served to heighten the sense of urgency in that moment, whatever had been happening in the last months to the server was building up to a horrifying conclusion the players did not want to be a part of. So an announcement to all players to go to spawn was done, and the portal was created with the parts several players had, while they didn’t know what would be at the other side, it was better than staying around and seeing what happens to their world.


Ollie and Oliver made sure to guide players arriving to go through the portal for safety, waiting till everyone went through. Until it was finally time for both of them to go through the portal, but that wouldn't happen. Oliver revealed to him what the letters contained, of an unknown who offered them their exit from the corrupting world, in exchange for one player. Ollie realized that Oliver was planning to give himself to the unknown, and through teary eyes he begged Oliver to not stay, that he was willing to be the one to stay, he didn’t need to do it. But Oliver had made up his mind. The time Ollie thought he would have with him, to repair their relationship, to catch up on the time spent apart, it was all slipping through his fingers all at once.

Oliver gave him the nether star he had given him on his wedding day, and an old letter Ollie had written for Oliver, and with one last goodbye, Oliver pushed him into the portal.

At least Ollie knew that the other side was safe, or as safe as it could be. He fell into a grand hallway, with portals leading to infinitely long hallways. Ollie didn’t really care however, as he fell to the floor crying his heart out, repeating in his head what would be the last memories he would ever have with Oliver.

  • The flower he usually wears on his hair is noticeably missing.
  • Ollie's assortment of scars are no longer covered.
  • His face marks are slightly different, one of his dots now "smeared" downward.
  • The clothes he wears are the same as his formal wear in the Winter Ball, however it's more visibly tattered, he occasionally wears the jacket over his shoulders.


Ollie despised Ceph, but these days they are the only person Ollie spends his time with, it might have been against his will at the start, but he hates to admit he doesn't ...hate them like he used to. When Ceph isn't throwing jabs at him, he finds their company pleasant..


Ollie is aware he didn't have to run away from everyone, specially from Dan, but the responsability he felt over the ball weighed heavy on him and prevented him from seeking Daniel. A long time has passed and he's not sure if he will be able to face Daniel, or if he will be forgiven.


After the events of the ball, Ollie isn't quite sure where he stand with Oliver, or even how he feels about him. A part of him still cares and worries a lot about him, but at the same time he finds what he did selfish and cruel. He misses him.

  • He didn't have the chance to change their Winter Ball outfit so, he's gotta make due with what he has
  • He's had trouble sleeping, so he's resorted to journaling, mostly his thoughts, feelings, and occurances.
  • Since no one is around, he doesn't need to cover up the marks on his arms, he'd like too but, seems like too much of a hassle.


  • Nether star
  • Flowers (specially sunflowers)
  • Cooking for himself and his roomate
  • Sunsets


  • Being alone
  • Having wolves near him
  • The void
  • Being watched.

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