Dokuso Esmeralda



3 years, 3 months ago


Name (Character name): Dokuso Esmeralda 

Age: 26

Sex (Bi, Straight, etc): Demisexual

Pronouns (He/Him, She/Her, etc): She/Her

Dragon Type: Shadow

Height (Humanoid): 5'4

Height (Dragon): 7'8

Strength: 12/20

Dexterity: 5/20

Constitution: 10/20

Intelligence: 16/20

Wisdom: 11/20

Charisma: 14/20

(Tip: If you have any D&D dice, you can role six random dice then assign them to your character)

Personality: She's calm and collected most of the time. But if you piss her off, she'll be snarky and sarcastic towards who she's mad at. She's also reliable in dire situations, as long as she trusts you. She's also somewhat full of herself, she knows she's pretty.

Occupation: Elected Shadow Queen

Backstory: She was raised in Nixeon with her father, as the food situation in Nixeon worsened, she vowed she would make the place better for the small town she lived in. She quickly gained power, with her attitude and smarts. After the strange disappearance of the recent Queen, The kingdom's council members rushed in finding a new ruler. Because of Doku's position of power, she was brought in as the new Queen.

Family Members: Father (Alive)

Love interest (If none leave Blank):

Appearance: Doku has black hair that fades and splatters into green. Her mane is a light green, wings a little darker, her main color is black.

Accessories: Golden Earring, golden hairpins.

Preferred weapon: Her hairpins double as thin and sharp daggers.