



Age: 20

Species: Amphiptere

Themesong: TheFatRat- Epic

Skillset: Feather Noodle

Bio: He has a sweet temperament, but is swift when he has need to be. Cilibar prefers very warm, humid temperatures, and is most at home in tropical jungle environments, where he blends in with the bright flora.

Cilibar is a frugivore and is abhorred by pretty much any food that isn't a fruit (with the exception of honey, which he is an absolute sucker for). He loves sweet things, and thus likes his fruit on the ripe side. His favorite is papaya.

He doesn't talk much. With big ears like those, Cilibar prefers to listen and learn. He's very good company if you have something to get off your chest, but don't expect very much feedback. Cili is a big fan of single-word responses.

He sleeps upside down by his tail. If Cilibar finds a papaya tree, he'll live in it until all the papayas are gone.

He's immune to bee venom, and his face scales are tough enough that he can stick his whole head in a beehive and rob it with little consequence. It's bad. He might have an addiction.