Blazing Fox Kit



3 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
$28 - $38


Minimum Acceptable Offer: $28.00
Minimum Increase: $1.00
Auto Buy: $38.00

If no higher offer is placed within 8 days of the last offer, the current highest offer wins the bid.


Comes with Character:
+ Reference Shown Above
+ Reference Shown Above with Transparent Background


Purchase Information:

- PayPal Only! (usd)
- No Holds
- Make sure to Read my Terms of Use. You can find it on the left in ownership.
How To Purchase:
- Place your offer in the comments below. If no higher offers are place within 8 days after your offer was commented you receive the character for the amount of money you stated.
- Once you have won the bid I will need your PayPal email address and how you would like to receive the characters unwatermarked reference image(s). (Choose between ToyHouse Transfer, Email, or Stash Link via Notes).
- I’ll get back to you with the invoice to purchase the character as soon as I can. It will be sent directly to your paypal.
- Once the payment has gotten through to me I’ll send you the characters reference(s) in the way you asked to receive them.
