
nikita carlysle

name nikita carlysle.
alias "stray dog".
age -
gender nonbinary. (she/her).
height 170cm.
orientation pansexual.
species demon.
rank three.
theme ( )

status in a relationship.
with? casey by dylan/varandis.

a walking mystery. a silent tongue but sharp words. a stray dog, that will bite your hand in doubt. the most loyal partner you can have, as soon as you got her trust.

Silence is the highest good for her, because she rarely speaks if there is not really something to say. Her facial features show a certain severity and a distance, as you might know from the unpopular math teacher at school - only that Nikita would be visually around 40 years younger.

Little of what other people do really piques her interest or discomfort. Only one thing that attracts her and repels her at the same time like nothing else. If there's one thing Nikita can't understand, it's addiction. Regardless of whether it is addiction to alcohol or drugs, or gambling - for every single individual who succumbs to the addiction, she harbors nothing but disgust. Nikita considers them weak, unworthy and is annoyed by those who whine about their addiction or perish because of it. And yet - she would never admit it - it has almost become her own addiction to watch these individuals and feel her spite for them. Too bad for her, that her own boyfriend became one of those individuals.

Nikita is most likely to avoid large crowds, at least in most situations, and this makes contact with her more difficult than with some others. Nevertheless, those who devote themselves to the challenge will be rewarded for it. She is like a stray dog that runs away from the hand that tries to pet her, but once you have won her trust, she can become your most loyal companion. Never blindly or unconditionally, but knowing her and her keen mind by your side can be an expensive commodity.

  • whisky & gin.
  • leather.
  • cats.
  • salty things.
  • winter nights.
  • tight & high-collared clothing.
  • deep water.
  • weapons.
  • long hair.
  • dumb "adventures".
  • contact lenses.
  • constricting relationships.

educated ignorant
empathetic logical
organised messy
honest insincere

design notes
  • her teeth are vampire fangs.
  • she has black blood. the inner parts of her mouth are also black.
  • she never takes off her glasses - except for sleeping.
  • she has small, round and black earrings on both sides.
  • her eyebrows have the same colour as her hair.
  • her clothing is nearly always made of leather or very light fabrics.