
3 years, 4 months ago



Full Name: Ebhi Serphent

Race/Species/Breed: Universe Taylin

Gender/Sex: Male

Age: 5,014

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Relationship Status:Married to Breeze

Birthplace: Royalty Province (Now called Universe Province), in the home of Linden and Agnimitra.

Nationality: Yuthaulian


Eye Color(s): Purple

Fur Color(s): Black and White

Secondary Fur Color(s): Purple, Yellow, Grey, Many shades of Blue

Fur Markings: Diamonds, stripes

Scars, Piercings, Tattoos, ect: Scars: Claw marks on left wing (barely visible)

Body Type: Average

Weight: 134 lbs

Height: 7’ 2”


Personality Description: Ebhi is protective of his family and friends, but very kind to others. He will fight if necessary. He believes that other lives are more important than his own, because he is a near-immortal.

Zodiac Sign(s): Aries

Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ Personality

Phobias/Mental Illnesses/Mental Disabilities: Has anxiety, and he gets frequent anxiety attacks

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

Positive Traits: Smart, Selfless, Strong Leader

Negative Traits: Not very strong, Self-doubt

Habits: Has a habit of checking on his family when they are asleep to make sure they are ok, Taps his claws on the floor when thinking hard

Likes: Reading, Writing, Family + Friends

Dislikes: The Curse, The Goddesses


Parent(s): Linden and Agnimitra

Sibling(s): Solaris

Lover/Partner(s): Breeze

Friend(s): Cor, Aerglo, Izlandí, Anoni, Ravine, Breeze, Basilisk, Silver, Hewmes

Enemy(s): Solaris

Close/Notable Relative(s): All ancestors dead, none notable


Current Residence: Archangel Base, Torak

Current Occupation: Resistance leader alongside Cor and Anoni

Talent(s): Talent for writing, persuasion, and being a dork (it is a talent fight me)

Theme Song: Amaranth - Nightwish

Property: Communication Amulet