Basic Info


Neutral Good


Star Guardian

Battle Theme (Battle! Champion Iris - Pokemon Masters EX)


Ayumi Mizuki is a star guardian. She guards the stars of Crystalga. Her abilities are that she is able to hover whenever she wants at night. She can unleash star-based attacks from her hands, but the attacks become more powerful at night or when up with the stars in space.

Her partner is a quiet owl named Kirbie.

Ayumi is mostly shy, only willing to speak to those she trusts or can trust for the time being. She is also sleepy sometimes, but Kirbie is always insistent on waking her up.

Ayumi was created from the stars in the night sky, and as such, she is protective of it and will make sure everyone in the world of Crystalga gets to see the stars. In that sense, while she knows about Universa, Chris, and Velouria, she respects their roles and does her best to maintain her own role as Star Guardian of Crystalga.