
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Ghost Cat


Sexuality: not picky
Age: 23-24
Body Type: slender, lean
Height: 6'
Weight: 153lbs
Relationship Status: Taken
Family: claims he doesn't remember his family
Skills: floating, downing energy drinks, swearing
Personality: kind of spacey, flirty, typically stoned, care free, laid back
Likes: picking on people, flirting, smoking, having sex, being annoying, video games, spooking people, night time, Halloween, dark humor/shitty jokes, creepy stuff, drinking, exploring abandoned/weird/creepy areas
Dislikes: boring situations, having nothing to do, numbskulls
Fears: "There isn't much to fear when you're dead."

Extra information: 
- can sometimes be found zoning out but if questioned about it he'll go back to acting normal 
- claims he has no memory of his past life 
- can sometimes hear something metal clinking in his hoodie pocket but he refuses to show anyone or tell what it is
- when he is stressed out, more wounds appear on his body aside from the normal marks on his face and neck, these wounds will also leak a sort of ghostly liquid

About his tail: When Spike died, a parasitic spirit attached itself to him. Thus his tail is now alive, and has a mind of it's own. Though, the damn thing is as dumb as animals come. It's driven by some kind of animal instinct, but other than that it has no idea what's going on. The tail has a tendency to eat dead things and hit itself on walls/door frames/etc. Spike has yet to name it because he usually just refers to it as "idiot" or some other degrading name.
Drawing Specifics:
- his neck and face scars are not optional
- his collar is always worn
- gore and sexual themes are fine
- "blood" is blue
- he can be drawn as a feral or anthro