Kowl (Full Relationships)





The Goddess

[ Master ]

The Goddess of the Nether who has taken Kowl in as her servent. Kowl loves the Goddess and will do anything for her, even if it goes against their morals. The Goddess has been with Kowl since they were a child, helping them when ever they needed it. Kowl is more then happy and willing to be her servent.



[ Friend/Father Figure ]

The two share an odd bond, Kowl seems to really care what Steve thinks of them, and in turn Steve cares about Kowls well being and making sure that the young demon makes good choices. Steve can see all the good that Kowl could do, if only they could stay focused...and not set so many fires.



[ Bestfriend ]

The two have been bestfriends since they were kids, thanks to that the two know each other best. They know each others traumas and fears and help each other when they need it. The two are very affectionate towards each other, constantly giving each other hugs, or being in each others space. Though the two don't talk about their past, they can sense when he other is thinking about it, and help to help them past the memorys.



[ Frenemies ]

One lives in water the other in fire, it's no wounder the two constantly find ways to fight with each other. It's very easy for the fights to go off the rails and have either Steve or Shade pull the two apart. Though the two do have a devide between them, they do like each other in some sense. Their happy to help each other, if the other really needs it.



[ Enemy ]

The two have never liked each other, though that's not saying much for Alex, as she doesn't like any mob. Though Kowl can't help be sense a strange super haterid towards them. They arn't sure what they ever did to make her hate them so much.


The Scientist

[ Super Enemy ]

A horrible man that Kowl wished they killed when they had the chance. The cause of all their childhood trauma, all the pain Kowl went through was thanks to this man. Kowl missed their frist chance, they won't miss next time.

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