


3 years, 3 months ago


Created in 2018, has a 2021 redesign 

Name: Ryona 

Species: Werepony (earthpony) 

Gender: Female 

Age: 17 

Characteristics: Body has a lot of fur and tufts. Tends to get angered easily. Gives off non-pony vibes. Because she's an earth pony, she has more physical strength than the other pony classes. Ryona is a very pleasant person when she's had a good day. Snout can wrinkle up like a predator's, and due to that, has an intimidating angry face. Her canine teeth are naturally sharp, and dim down to flat teeth when enlightened. They grow sharper when she feels threatened or frustrated. In addition, her eyebrows grow darker and more defined. Is believed to have a beta status, but has been alpha before, so still possesses her "Alpha Voice." 

Just like any other werewolf, one of the only things that can kill her is a silver bullet. 

What the Alpha Voice is 

The Alpha Voice is a psychological effect that an alpha wolf can enforce onto a lower-rank wolf, weighing them down with extreme intimidation to get one to follow any order in the mind. It begins with a fierce snarl battle. Two wolves will fight to keep their heads high. When a wolf starts to lower and grow submissive, they are "giving in" to the Alpha Voice. It will be more difficult to overcome, the lower the wolf's rank. But it is possible. Once any lower-rank can withstand an alpha's Alpha Voice with success, they naturally become a higher rank.