


3 years, 4 months ago


-fire powers

-short temper, her tails catch fire when angered

-talks in a demanding tone


-if she's really infuriated in a short amount of time, she bursts and can cause a small scale explosion around her

-she's from a highly respected family, basically the village leader, so they had high expectations of her too

-they taught her to keep her emotions under control and to stay calm and collected at all times, and would lock her in the basement if they saw even a fragment of smoke

-fell in love with a traveler, who was the only one she ever felt truly calm

-she used to wish she could just burn it all and flee from her life

one night, after she found out her family killed her lover and planned to marry her off to someone she didn't know, she retaliated and burned the house, with everyone in it, to the ground

the people of her village think it's a tragedy and feel really sorry for her, because she and her warden are the only ones who survived. All she could think about is how she is finally in control of her own life.

they built her a new home in its place and placed a memorial for her family in the frontĀ 

basically the head of her village now

- original price 400ac, 1 icon 2 fullbodys