
3 years, 4 months ago



8720662?1604333009HP 50%
Attack 85%
Defense 40%
Speed 95%
Dexterity 90%
Intellect 20%
Charisma 70%
Luck 40%


Name Atlas
Alias God of Aeris, The Wind God, Traveling Bard
Age Takes the apperance of 30
Gender Male
Origin Tuulisyn
Race The Beginning Ones
Class Elementalist, Cleric, Part time Bard
Alignment Chaotic Good
Height 5'7
Build Light
Demeanor Nice prankster
Orientation Pansexual, Poly
Value $$

"You need to lighten up!"

  • Traveling
  • Wine
  • The old Songs
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Soleil
  • Yami Elementalists
  • Failing his Traveler


Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Trivial
Cautious Risky


Great Cook

Good Listener

A strong healer

Good at stealing things


Terrible Advice

Makes bad decisions

Literally so dumb

Easily noticed

Skills & Abilities

Upward Gale
A protective spell to send the enemies or his team flying! Remember to pack a glider!

Soothing Winds
A brief spell that heals all allies in a 20 foot radius for 5 Hp

Wind shield
A shield that blocks up to 20 Hp of damage. This protects ALL in a 10 foot radius

Perfect Cook
Can cook anything perfectly given the correct ingredients! Perfect for on the road travelers

The Wind's Breath
Using his own Hp he can ressurect one fallen ally to half Hp per long rest


The Essence of Aeris [ +Element ]
Atlas' pure essence of Aeris, Can't be traded or depleted but can be taken away

Lux Bow [ +attack ]
A bow that fires concentrated Lux and Aeris arrows, made for him by Chiara herself

Aeris Staff [ +Intellect/Healing ]
A staff specialized for healing and protective spells. Atlas crafted it himself

'Aeris Gliders' [ +Speed ]
What do you mean those are wings??

Aeris Dreamcatcher [ +Dreams ]
As the God of Dreams and Air, Aeris collects dreams part time. Unlike his corrupt followers he collects them for the greater good, leaving hope for the future in their place.

Aeris' Lyre [ +Music/Intellect ]
A silver Lyre used to seal away the Darkness long ago. Now he just uses it to strum fancy tunes

Cooking Equipment [ +Food ]
A small case of travelers cooking equipment! He loves to make a good stew



Atlas was the second God created by Chiara and Enyo. He was brought into a world filled with light and wonder. He quickly proved himself to be a mischievous young soul, trying to solve every puzzle he came across, but mostly trying to have fun! He didn't get along well with his siblings, only Kaimana seemed to understand him well. As the Calamity fell upon the land, Aeris was taken away to his temple to be kept safe from the oncoming threat. It wasn't long till Chiara contacted him in a dream calling out for his help. That's where he received her bow. She wanted him to seal away the Calamity and save their followers. It took Atlas quite some time to come to Chiara's aid. Perhaps because of how late the God of Aeris showed up the Calamity had time to wreak havoc across the land. Atlas however did seal the calamity away in it's own dream world. One that only he would know how to reopen. After the Great Calamity, Atlas sealed himself away in the Woods of Tuulisyn, regaining his strength.


Atlas would awake to a new world. A world of darkness and corruption. Tuulisyn had changed much during his rest. The borders had been sealed and no one seemed to even recognize the old god of Aeris. Atlas figured he would take this time to get to know himself and this new land around him. He visited his old Temple not as a God but as a follower. His bow and lyre had been locked away in a display case rendering the god useless. Atlas thought this to be funny irony, as he onced used those to lock away his predecesor now he himself was also locked away.

Atlas now wanders the lands of Tuulisyn armed with a new lyre and a few pots and pans. He's relearning the world around him and recollecting dreams here and there till his help is called upon. As a forgotten God he now lives his own, free life, among his people.





His Traveler

[ An Extension of himself and His being ]

"I Love love love my traveler! I'm glad they believe in me so much...I hope I can continue to help them on their journey.



[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.