Zane's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

✩ Keep note that people who are on a public blacklist are not to receive my designs, if they own one already then i dont care. However they cannot gain anymore. Do not bother asking me to remove them, or ask me about them because it is my choice and i have my own personal reasons. ➤ If you are on the public blacklist and wish to revoke my designs to either return them, or void them from any of my species; Dont bother contacting me. Contact my girlfriend, Mammerz or just delete the character, and if you own a OC from my species it is forcefully voided + blacklisted, im aware no matter the owner of the said design can view this, so its strictly suggested that you change all aspects of the species, but unless its a similar or common idea visually or aesthetically, you are fine to simply remove the name and whatever defining trait the species has. (I.e, Snappiers defining trait is their stupid legs.). ➤ If a design has been traded it cannot be sold unless it has added art/value (yes, personal art can indeed count) ➤ Do not use my designs to support hate speech, pedophilia, zoophilia, ect. ➤ Do not alter the characters skin tone from white to black, or vise versa if it is of BIPOC. ➤ I do not care if you change the design of a character, just keep it similar and do not edit my original artwork ✩ Public Blacklist; Warning, its long as i wanted to cover every base i could, Zyppy/Kai/Kain/Kainbatbun/Batbunny/Kainlusty/gingers0da/SP4CEBUN/spxcebxnni/whatever else they go by: This user is also blacklisted from any species i own such as Snappiers, FuwaFuwas(specifically this as its based off my sona.), ect. They may not trade, sell, ect their items/chars from these species due to them all being blacklisted/forcefully voided. They are just toxic all around, from verbal and mental abuse towards me and others. They also threatened legal action over something that both CANNOT do over a FREE GIFTED CHARACTER, and they allowed their boyfriend to copy off my sona Gutsy. They continue to also use a character that is a copy off of Maws' oc, Maws, who is named "Pluto". During the issue i had with Maws involving Gutsy and their sona, the user in question confided in me that they were creating a character to "spite" Maws(mawscore), which also involved copying the character under the title of "cyclopes bunny", they have said in my eyes transphobic words towards me under the shade of her religion while proceeding to insult me by stating that because im not truly male, our relationship could never work since girls and girls dont go together, yet she was a lesbian for years. She also told my now girlfriend to off herself shortly before me and them have broken up then proceeded to try and force me to do the same with her current boyfriend, the same person who wished to hurt me just to date her. Do not interact with me if you are friends with them. They are known for being a toxic user, being overly sexual with other minors on Amino, even AFTER being told nicely and forcefully by multiple staff to stop. They also constantly stalk me and check out my Blacklist, i only have their usernames stated ( all PUBLICALLY KNOWN usernames/names. ) to ensure that no one gives them any of my designs and the fact she is an abusive ex of mine. I do not care about whatever new usernames or profiles they have, as they have said they have left the internet. | Forever blacklisted. UPDATE, SHE STALKS MY TOS TOO. They are also fully blacklisted for making a rip-off version of Gutsy, my sona, for their boyfriend. I requested they change the character, but knowing them, the information above, its less likely they did that as they are someone who doesnt mind acting polite until they deem you unreasonable in their own eyes.