


3 years, 7 months ago




names Kit

pronouns They/It/Ghost

species Grumpus[Deceased]

theme song songname, artist

FANDOM Bugsnax

code by snail-legs

summary notes

- ???
- ???
- Seeing them is not easy. (Have a near death experience or have a full snax transformation[down to the body])
- ???


Kit in the main since, is a ghost of the old time! (I dont remember what the grumps of Brokentooth were called sobs)
In their time of the mother naturae, other gods, and sacrifice. They were not exempt from being chosen as an offering.
And was killed as such
Her soul persisted and became the snax seen in the mural
It came in the middle of the night, while most were asleep and the sky's were cloudy.
The appearance of the new 'moon' scared the grumps. And the grumps of any neighboring islands. And thus created the two moon event. This event lasted for years.
Some grumps worshipped this new moon, others saw it as a bad omen to come and fled
And time n time again the ||sacrifices|| kept happening; increasing even because of this moon
And some night, the moon looked to be... Larger than it once was.
And days approaching, it kept getting bigger and bigger each night
More grumps fled at realizing the moon was getting bigger. But more stayed behind to watch.
And it became their demise soon enough
The moon had become a blazing fireball and its true nature revealed as a snax
But alas it was too late to escape as the claws of the snax closed off the exits and creates a crater of the town.
The snax itself ended up burning up and destroying itself after crashing.

Kits soul was never the same after becoming a snax and having the body being destroyed
She lost her memory of the event and made to wander the island as a ghost


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