


3 years, 4 months ago


| Info

Name: Pierre

Age: ???

Species: harpy (cursed)

Orientation: ???

Gender: cis male

Pronouns: he / him

  • former elf now cursed into a harpy form; whoever did this must have hated him a lot
  • was once very charismatic and outgoing but he lost a large part of himself along with his appearance, which he no longer cares for; does not resemble what he once was at all
  • despite being content with his situation, he refuses to attempt flight
  • responds well to any sort of affection, probably doesn’t interact with others much
  • imprints on anyone who shows him kindness, namely Kimball, who he has now tasked himself with protecting
  • partially lost most of his senses and is beginning to show signs of memory loss
  • he has… schnoz…(best feature!!) :D
| Design

  • His neck is very long, hair is also very long and usually unkempt
  • Posture is awful; the weight of his head and trying to keep it held up puts a lot of strain on his neck; he's pretty much always hunched over; he cannot stand up straight either, mostly because his anatomy will no longer let him; even if he tries, he has trouble balancing 
  • His face is kind of heart-shaped
  • Wingspan is pretty massive, the lower part of his wings attach to his tail, which is pretty small and cannot spread; probably some kind of muscle issue there
| Trivia
  • His name was previously Scooter (back in like 2020), before that it was Cecil (2018-19??)
  • He has gone through a LOT of redesigns, like to where if you looked at the first drawings of him he'd be unrecognizable
  • His nose gets longer every time I draw him, most recent image should be accurate though
  • I made a theme for him back in 2019(it sucks); might plan on remaking it soon
pink feathers and blue eyes


| Relationships

Friend!!! :D

Category 2

Temporary caretaker (emphasis on temporary)

Knows how to handle harpies, part-time caretaker

Fellow harpy