Awnya Kagyu



3 years, 4 months ago





Gender: Female
Affinity: Bamboo
Familiar: Red Panda
Wand Color: Green
Chameleon-hawk Color: Black with a White heart on its forehead.

Name: Awnya Kagyu
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Affinity: Bamboo
Wand Color: Green
Awnya Kagyu is a mix of ethnics, an example of just what its like to live in Castle Town, what with people from all cultures and countries coming to learn from its prestigious academy. Awnya is the child of a monk, who fell in love with a foreign woman, and have since settled down to Castle Town to start their lives together. Awnya is the third of 5 siblings, the second oldest girl. Being part of a fairly large family, Awnya has had her share of sibling fights, friendships, rivalries, and bonding. In her house her father still insists on keeping his original monk way of life alive, instilling virtues like harmony, equality, and truthfulness in all his children.
Awnya turned 18 and inherited her great great grandfathers familiar, a rather lazy red panda. Magic has been in Awnya's life since she was born, her mother having had the skill, and graduating the very academy Awnya herself is going to attend. When Awnya's familiar appeared she was ecstatic. It being illegal to learn much magic from her mother, Awnya had to settle with hom coins and the like to get her magic fix. Now that she is a full fledged witch, the girl intends to dive into learning, and get all that she can from her new gift. Unfortunately, one of her older siblings became rather upset when the familiar chose Awnya instead of themselves, and the family now has to deal with a slight tension in the air.
Awnya is kind, gentle and favors harmony and peace above all else. It can go too far for the girl, sometimes, as she finds it difficult to say ‘NO’ to anyone, and as a result, she can end up getting stressed. Moving to the dorms at the Academy has greatly reduced her stress, but she still feels guilty about the family tension, and her upset older sibling back home. If Awnya could, she would probably forfeit her ability just to mend her relationship with her older sibling, no matter how much pain it would bring her.
At the Academy Awnya tries to leave her stress behind, and greatly enjoys talking to, helping, and consoling her fellow students. Although she does not have much life experience herself, she is always willing to be a shoulder to lean on, and offer advice if its needed. Awnya has a habbit of saying yes to everyone she meets, resulting in her often double booking herself and frustrating her friends. She often sacrifices her own time and well being for others, especially if they need her help.
Zhu The Bamboo Red Panda
Familiar Personality:
Zhu is an easygoing creature, who believes in letting life do what it wants to do, and not forcing something to happen. His easygoing manner often leads to him being lazy, saying that life will take care of it eventually, and not to worry. The panda often procrastinates, taking his time with any chore or errand he may have at hand. Zhu is not all lazy and procrastination, his bond with Awnya is strong, and he would do anything for her. He trusts the girl with his life, and magic. Zhu rarely questions what she asks of him, the matter of him actually doing it is another thing altogether.