
3 years, 4 months ago


  • Vera

  • Scent Rabit Fur
  • gender Female
  • Species Lythani
  • role Research Assisitant
  • theme

Quiet • Attentive • Devout


Vera is very much a layered individual. Hurt by the past, she built up many walls and holds an outward persona that is somewhat aloof and disinterested in what others say or do. She won't hesitate to give a harsh critique or give a snippy insult, anything that would make others perceive her to be prickly and not worth getting to know. That being said, should you stick around long enough you see that that same harsh attitude that she projects outwards is also used as a standard for herself. If it's not perfection, it's failure. If she doesn't get something right the first time she will repeatedly do it again and again until it's perfect. Dig a little deeper and you find that the reasoning for her determination to achieve perfection is that she views everything about herself imperfect. A failure. A gentle soul that got crushed by an iron grip that demanded the utmost perfection.

"If at first you don't succeed, pack your bags and leave."

height 5'3"

build Lean

pronouns She/They

s.o. Ace/demi-romantic

d.o.b Unknown

sign Cancer

origin content

occupation Scribe/Research Assistant

mbti INTP - The Thinker

demeanor Aloof, Uninterested

tarot XXI - The World

element Earth


  • Fresh parchment/paper
  • Seeing something succeed
  • The company of others
  • Fresh brewed coffee


  • Being left alone
  • Needless destruction
  • Excessive shouting/cheering
  • Seeing others suffer


Vera didn't know much of her parents. Growing up within the Defiled Forest one doesn't often survive long enough to grow up, let alone have a family. Abandoned to the trecherous woods, Vera barely made it through the night before a kindred spirit took her under their wing. For a while things seemed ok, her guardian angel made sure everything was ok and that she was kept safe - that was until the blade appeared. Unsure of where it came from, she was fascinated with the thing. An elegant sword, mastercrafted and absolutely exquisite in its beauty. Curious about it's origins, she asked her guardian about it relentlessly till they allowed her to study it along side them. Thrilled, Vera scribbled down notes as fast as her claws would allow. Apparently the thing was magical and had some sort of terrible curse that tied it to it's owner. Not wanting her guardian to suffer, she did whatever it took to ensure that they'd find a way to break the curse. No matter the cost to herself.

Early Life

For years her guardian used her to test the curse. And she allowed it, wanting desperately to stop their suffering. Only after several years did she realise, her guardian wasn't suffering at all, if anything it was her that was suffering. After a short confrontation it was revealed that not only was the guardian not affected by the curse, but that they were a god. They confessed that they knew the curse wouldn't affect them and they needed a way to see if the curse could be passed on. Vera could only respond with stunned silence. The god seemed genuinely distraught at the pain they'd put Vera through, and instead offered a truce, if Vera would stay by their side and assist in the research, they'd rectify everything they'd done to Vera. Hesitant, she agreed and continued to work on the research for the curse, steadily regaining her strength yet developing the walls needed to keep herself from receiving any further pain. The god stayed true to their word, and seemed to improve in their temperament - so much so they actually gained a friend. A blacksmith Vera paid little attention to, mostly since the god seemed rather enamoured with the ill-tempered Lyth. It wasn't till the pair had a child that Vera started to suspect that the God's old habits might have resurfaced once more. The child bore every tell tale sign that they had the curse she'd spent years researching. Though she loathed talking to the blacksmith, she couldn't sit and do nothing about the devastation that could occur if this cursed child should be raised by the god. So she went to the blacksmith in secret, confessed everything she'd been researching and pleaded for him to rescue his child.

Current Life

After the blacksmith took the child and the god confessed everything, Vera demanded that the god give up the sword too or she'd leave them to do their research alone. As much as she knew she should leave, she was too invested in the research and to preventing this god from fiddling with mortal lives again. So she spends her day researching what she can on the curse, all the while maintaining a closer eye on the god she worked beside. While things have been calm for a while, there was no telling if they'd slip up again. Especially since they seem to have piqued the interest of a local alchemist.



[ Guardian/Research Assistant ] "Who, Toska? You mean the god that laid around for centuries doing nothing? Yeah I know them, work with them, actually. They're a royal pain, but I wouldn't be here without them."



[ Friends? Kinda? ] "Balthazar? Wh- Oh! You mean the local 'smith? Yeah I guess I know him... Unpleasant Lyth, but apparently he's also a freak in the sheets, wish I could unhear it."



[ Friends ] "Nervous little thing, but he's sweet. Sadly I don't get to talk to him much, I mostly just pass on messages or have letters delivered by him."

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