
Irenna Storm


the basics

names  Irenna Storm, "Ira"

pronouns She/Her

species Mermaid (Siren)

story Standalone┇Blessed Sacre


  • Pretty lady
  • Demi-Human who lives out from the coast. Much of the semi-aquatic species of the continent live closer to the coast; meaning she likes to be fairly isolated. 
  • Many other mers keep themselves fairly neutral towards the land livin' folk. They mostly base alliances on a. How safe is it b. How much money is to be made. Irenna on the other hand strongly sides with the demonkin.
  • Maybe tragic backstory? She's certainly biased against sailors— always willing to take down a ship. Will often light a lantern to lead others astray.
  • Obligate carnivore. Meat. Physically unable to digest plant matter well.

code by snail-legs, images from unsplash