Basic Info

— NAME —





— AGE —

Unknown (looks mid-late 20's)


5 m (16.4 ft) (Head-Tail) | - (rather light, average but defined build)


An osenyan born from an egg close to the shore, perpetually in danger of being swept out into the stormy tides by the beating winds and become one lost to the seas, never to be found again.
Saved by the arrival of the Halcyon Days and hatched as they lasted, this fish carries the essence of those days within him, grown into a peaceful, placid, harmonious heart who lives in close touch with nature and those around him.
He may as well be the very embodiment of the Halcyon Days as he emits an unmatched calm and good will; Ogi is a drifter, never rooting himself to one place but streaming wherever the four winds take him, an occurrence known to bring tranquility and joy to all those that meet him.
There is not a soul he dislikes, man and creature alike, and is especially liked back by the animals of the seas.
Always curious about the new and unknown. Loves nothing more than travelling. His uplifting spirits can't be dulled, it seems. 
Impossible to anger, probably.
Nature-boy and flower child - which sometimes lets him seem a tad odd to his fellow planet-dwellers.
Kindness is key.