


3 years, 4 months ago


-nervous, just wants people to get along

-clumsy, awkward and hazardous

despite this manages to pull through in situations

-enjoys reading love stories and is fascinated by the concept

-curious over love, but is hesitant to take it on

-struggles to make friends over the fear something bad will happen between them both, so only has a few close ones

-they like to be prepared and know what they're going to do before they do it because bad things have happened when they haven't done this

-put trying new things and prefer sticking to a routine. They get quite stressed over change or if this is tampered with

-wants to be able to do new things but gets anxious that something will go wrong or they'll mess up, so they don't bother

-needs support to be able to do things they havent done before, comforted by reassurance

-stays inside most of the time because they feel like the outdoors is unpredictable

-took on cooking because of how much time they spent inside, skilled in that area

-has a nut allergy

-due to lack of social interaction it adds to the struggle of trying to make friends, since they're not used to meeting new people

-tries to be as neat and tidy as they can because of their accident prone nature

-gets excited if anyone shows an interest to their cooking hobby and feels eager to show them what they can do