Niji Kakashi



3 years, 4 months ago


Name: Niji Kakashi
Nicknames: Kashi, Ni, Jika
Age: 18

INFO: Niji is a rather outgoing, very chaotic individual that doesn't know the meaning of "stop, calm tf down" or "chill bRO"
He likes to mess with people and tends to become an issue that need to be regulated. He does have his calm times though, probably eating or walking around just to see some nice scenery. He is sly and clever but is stubborn at times, really doesn't work well in teams or groups of any sort- unless they're chaotic like him. He is pretty flirty too, so watch out-
NIji basically a living definition of the meaning "chaotic, crazy and flirty", unfortunately poor bby gets used too much, having to lie so much just to get the things required of him done, sucks being the villains toy

Likes: Ramune, Energy Drinks, Sweet and Spicy things, Lollipops, Working out or running, eating ramen or foods, talking walks or parkour, likes standing on the roofs of high places too

Dislikes: too many responsibilities, homework or work of most kinds, dressing up fancy, places too quiet, being wrong, not getting his way, not eating or drinking stuff he likes