


3 years, 4 months ago


*This character is open to role play*

(Be sure to read rp rules)

Name: Kazimierz (Casimir) 

Nickname: Kaz

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Hight: 6'5

Species: Vampire 

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Egotistical. Tends to make the conversation about himself and has a great need to be the center of attention; even if it is off topic. He has the inability to commit to anything that does not benefit him or his interest.

Kazimierz sees the world as his playground. Humans are beneath him and their main purpose is to serve as entertainment to him and as food.

He lives the high life. He has a lavish house and lives a lavish life. He has worked his way up in the vampiric hierarchy. He can be found socializing among the big wigs. While personally he hates them all, he does so to keep up a good image of himself.

Has a hard time empathizing with others. You might get a pat on the shoulder.

For Kaz, his strongest personality point is that he is egotistical. Everything he does is about him. He has to be the center of attention. Specifically, this makes it harder for him to understand empathy and compassion. He is not a narcissist though. He is capable of these feelings and has felt them before. But he has had a bad experience with  love in the past and has learned through climbing the social ladder that any emotion that is not self serving is dead weight. Kaz has learned to be an egotistical prick and has lived this long for so long that it has become a part of who he is. Deep down there might be something left of the old Kaz

An egotistical bastard is capable of feeling feelings even though he might not like it.

*More to come as I learn more about this character and flesh him out*