Rita's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

KojoteAlpha Global Rules

Some have 18+ warnings

Characters belong to KojoteAlpha/Insomniyote

Personal characters:

- Do not color pick or take inspiration from them. They do not belong to you.

- You do NOT have permission to use my characters in stories or roleplays. 

- Do NOT breed my characters with yours. Again they do not belong to you, my characters are not for you to use.

- All characters belong to KojoteAlpha/Insomniyote and are my intellectual property. 

Adoptable Designs:

-Respect the fact that these characters do not belong to you unless you have paid for them.

-Please credit me for the design

-Once character has been paid for you may resell, trade, gift or breed them.


-If you've obtained a character from me for free, regardless if you had obtained them through a trade or not, since there was no money exchanged between design trades that would mean you had gotten the character(s) for free, sad I have to explain this to some but anyways,

-Please actually use them and don't just get them for them to be trading fodder. This will put you on a watch list from getting designs from me in the future.

-Anyone caught character flipping, (Reselling for more than purchased for with no extra art) will be blacklisted from owning a design/character from me.

-Dont be a damn dirty thief or design skinner. Plain and simple.