$7's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

  • My designs may be resold, traded, or gifted at the prices that they were purchased at, you may not sell them for more than you paid for them unless you have made or commissioned art and are applying the price of those pieces.
  •  You may make changes to or revamp my designs to whatever extent that you want, as long as I am still credited for my original work.
  •  Always credit me for my designs
  •  You may change the species of any design you buy from me as much as you desire, but if you are transferring them into a closed species please ask me for permission first.
  •  You may not add your own rules to my designs without my permission. I WILL NOT enforce them nor will I get involved in any disputes that arise.
  •  If a design speaks to you so much that you wish to make them into your fursona, you are 100% allowed to do that.
  • If a design comes with a child and adult version, please don't split them off into two different characters and try to sell them separately.
  •  I reserve the right to add/change/remove any aspect of my Terms of Service as I need or see fit at any time and these changes will be applicable to all designs past, present and future.