


3 years, 4 months ago


Founder, and first leader of Breezeclan

The large tom is a mincing, manipulative, and hard headed tom. During his leadership, there was war between Breeze and Dustclan. The tom as a sneaky cat, who perfected the art of fighting and war. He was the creator of tail signals used in patrols, which would be used by all clans in the future. He is a well build, and slightly short cat, with wide shoulders and a stalky build. His tail is long and thick, as well as his fur, which always seemed to flow as it was freshly groomed. Breezestar made his home on the rocky boulders near the fields where Dustclan made there home. He was the second to last cat to branch off and for his clan, mainly to compete with Duststar, who was his life long rival. He was never very close to his clan, and would do anything to get ahead, even if it meant death to keep his status. He was one of the first cats to be attacked by a bird of prey, which is where he got the scars along his back. He created bird fighting tactics, and other two cat patrol systems to watch out over camp and patrols. He wears the feathers of a hawk in the fur on his neck and behind his ears. He's collected them from ever large bird he has killed. It is unsure when the large tom died. When he killed Duststar, the cats of Dustclan drove him out, and he was never seen again, but it was known he had at least 5 lives left. He had 2 mates in his life time and had 3 separate litters of kits, 6 in total.

Deputy(s): Smokewatcher, Eaglepatch, Slowcloud (Later Slowstar)
Apprentice(s): Sootgaze, Pebblepaw