rowan "blue jay" aldritch



3 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Name Rowan Aldritch
Hero Name Blue Jay
Age 16
Height 5'10
Gender Boy (???)
Orientation Gay
Playbook The Delinquent
Ethnicity White
Pronouns He/She/They
Birthday November 12, Scorpio
Theme Two Kinds of Happiness
  • Falling
  • Loud music
  • Punk clothes
  • Graffiti
  • Insects
  • Small spaces
  • Being alone
  • Loud sounds
Abilities/Design Notes
  • Flying
  • Gadgetry & Hacking
  • Two moles on face
  • Light stubble
"I think the time for following rules is over. Let's have some fun!"

Rowan is chaotic and a bit abrasive. She's a lot to handle sometimes, but is finding control in being a hero. They like making new friends, and is very thankful for their current team. He didn't always know he was going to be a hero, but he had a knack for it, so he stuck with it.


They have always been inclined to technology, and started developing advanced hacking and gadgetry skills at a very young age. He has three older sisters, who are triplets and minor heroes, with the hero aliases of Crow, Raven, and Rook. Rowan always thought heroism was kind of lame, but when his neighborhood was attacked by a powerful villain, his sisters worked together and swiftly took him down. This inspired her to use her gadgetry skills to create a flying blue-jay theme persona for heroism.

After they started to help their neighborhood in their own way, a lot of people generally thought he was just a troublemaker, causing problems just to solve them for attention. But, he's firm in his beliefs of heroism, and does what he thinks is right, even if that means stirring up a bit of trouble in the process. Quickly, he met Thyme, hero alias Cardinal, and became close friends, teaching them to have a little fun with heroism, and they taught Rowan how to be a hero that avoid destruction. Later, they met Stella, hero alias Princess Starling, and naturally formed a team to keep evil at bay in Halcyon City.

Thyme/Cardinal | Teammate

Rowan really likes their company. She likes their positive spirit and admires their leadership skills. They clash sometimes because of their very different ideas of ideal heroism, but at the end of the day, they get along great.

Stella/Starling | Teammate

He feels the need to show off his powers to Stella. They don't think lesser of her, but Stella interprets it that way. Rowan values her as a teammte, and just wants to mess around with her and wants her to take life less seriously.