Sylens Arrowheart




I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.


Sylens is not your average Kalon. Sylens by day will work to the bone as a hairdresser in the local salon. But by night, he's who he truly is... Death. Sy is an omnipotent being with all powerful abilities that he can use to control the death of mortals. He has a hoard of grim reapers that do his bidding and an adoptive sister who is the Fate of the world. He lives somewhere in a very nice house in the suburbs, but is the bane of the HOA's existence with his unmanicured lawn. He also very much owns a horse in a pasture he has out in the country side named Fiddlesticks and a collection of bedazzled glam cowboy hats with matching boots.


Sylens can talk business formal or casual and will dress the same way as well. The way he acts during the day versus at night makes some people believe he is two different kals, but he knows that for his day customers he can be friendly with them in a casual way but with his reapers he needs to be work friendly otherwise they may not listen to him if they think he's too close to them. He's also a huge country music and country aesthetic fan. He lives and breathes cowboy films and horses and it shows through his personality most days. He is the type to cause problems on purpose not to be a trickster, but to entertain himself when he's bored. He has 100% orchestrated the misplacement of a soul just to bring certain kals together and to fight the one being he can't stand; Lucifer.

Design notes

Tips for the artist, all the light colored bits are bone. The blue and green bones are his shine. His hair is loose and soft locs. When drawing him remember these aspects, they are very important. His edits include:

(nr) heterochromia (s) shine, hair (c) tail (uc) ears (r) horns (l) exposed bones


Sylens Arrowheart
May 7th
23 inches
Old Town Road - Lil Nas X


  • Everything country
  • Causing little troubles to be entertaining
  • Watching mortals do mortal simple things
  • MEAT


  • Not eating
  • Disrespect
  • Surprises
  • Blocks in his plans


  • Horseback riding
  • Watching over earth
  • Cleaning
  • Bothering his sister


Backstory here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.

Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus. Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue.

Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.

Sed enim justo, blandit ac aliquam eu, condimentum ut sapien. Donec libero ante, lacinia pharetra eleifend aliquam, pharetra at arcu. Ut mollis tempus convallis. Quisque suscipit faucibus consequat. Sed mollis tempor mauris ut facilisis. Curabitur ullamcorper lorem vel dui dignissim, eget sodales nulla fermentum. Maecenas leo libero, consectetur ac vulputate eu, commodo in risus. Nam elementum semper leo in volutpat.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.
  • Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus.
  • Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue. Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.