Kanon Misaki (♥ RekiKa)



Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Birthday August 8
Star Sign Leo



Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Birthday May 25
Star Sign Gemini



Height Difference
26 cm
176 cm
150 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon
Little spoon
Lends clothes
Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names
Uses pet names
Affection through words
Affection through actions
Confesses first
Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs
Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car
Can't drive
Can't cook
Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA
Loves PDA
Has more relationship experience
Has no relationship experience
How they met

Reki and Kanon met when she started her first day at her new highschool when she moved from Yokohama to Okinawa. Kanon was placed in his class, and he was a bit surprised about another transfer student right after Langa, but paid no mind to it though he found her energy exciting and lowkey hoped she would join in skating. 

Kanon didn't properly engage with them until she saw them skateboarding in a park. Interested, she was about to go over there when she tripped over an unattended skateboard and crashed right in front of them. The two boys checked on her and to their relief, she was okay. The boy then eagerly asked if she was interested in skateboarding, to which Kanon replied happily that she wanted to try so. The three formally introduced themselves, then afterwards they agreed to hang out at a local restaurant to get to know each other better.

Their Relationship

"I'm so happy skateboarding brought us together! Let's continue to have fun, okie?"

Kanon began to regularly hang out with both Reki and Langa after school ever since. Because their personalities were very similar to each other, Kanon and Reki easily got along, sharing a singular braincells and getting excited about skateboarding. They got more opportunity to know each other when Kanon volunteered as a part-time worker in DOPE SKETCH to earn some money. Between school classes, skateboard practice/hangouts and work at DOPE SKETCH, Kanon and Reki's friendship deepened over time.

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How Reki feels

"Kanochin's amazing! It's so much fun talking to her about skateboarding and how fun it is.... I never wanna stop. But truth be told, I hope to continue being by her side because I want her to know that she's not alone; I'm happy that she's here to cheer me on when I don't have any sometimes. Gyah- how do I tell her?! I'm terrible at talking to girls..."

How Kanon feels

"Being with Rekichin is one of the best things to happen to me! Not only skateboarding, but hanging with him, Langachin, and the others truly makes me happy! I finally found a place I belong and something to be passionate about... I really look up to Rekichin a lot. He's so good at skateboarding, even sometimes I get jealous of his awesome jumps that I wanna pull off!

Even if i doesn't look like it, I worry when he keeps things to himself behind his smile... just like what he told me one time, I want him to know that he can always count on me to comfort him and make him smile when he can't! I will always thank him for staying by my side, teaching me skateboarding, and especially encouraging me to do my best!"


  • Kanon likes to wear his headband, and Reki enjoys it unless she takes it without permission.
  • The two are prone to saying things excitedly in unison.
  • Reki likes to pat and ruffle her head.
  • Reki gets worried about Kanon's naivete, so he often tells her to stop believing even the most ridiculous things so easily.
  • He can't wrap his head around Kanon's crazy imaginations and ideas.
  • Reki asks Langa for advice when dealing with her.