Alyssa Moreno



3 years, 4 months ago


**Full Name:** Alyssa Moreno

**Age/DOB:** 18 (*August 26*)

**Pronouns:** she/they

**Sexuality:** bi bi bi baby bi bi bi

**Godly Parent:** Poseidon

**Short Physical Description/Distinguishing Features:** darkish skin, curly black hair, blue eyes, a blue streak in her hair, faint freckles that come out more in the sun. a few scars throughout, most notably the vertical scars that drag from her cheek down her neck. 5'8

**Short Personality Description:** blunt, brash, and loud. she acts and says a lot of things without thinking, so some ppl can see her as a bit of an asshole but she really has good intentions she swears. typically in a good mood, but when she gets mad she gets *mad*

**Best Activity in Camp?** (close-range) weapon training

**Worst Activity in Camp?** probably learning abt monsters and shit she just gets bored

**Fighting Style/Weapon:** really good at close combat (and combat in general) although she often lacks strategies and just goes in headfirst. weapon of choice is a either a dagger or baseball bat with celestial bronze nails in it

**Short Background:** lived with a large family so the scent of mortals drowned her out for a while until she was attacked by some monsters, she ran away from home in a panic and eventually ran into a satyr that brought her to camp half-blood. she still visits her family occasionally but mainly tends to stay in camp for their protection.