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3 years, 3 months ago


As part of the merfolk species he has only known the waters. He has heard tales from divers that happen to run into him underwater about how humans use these flying machines to fly through the sky. He is determined to one day create airplane perfect enough that merfolk could use it to travel for long periods of time. Merfolk can only be out of the water for a limited amount of time. So he is ready to design an airplane that can handle large amounts of water so the inside of the plane can handle the water while being in flight. There is many things to account for this new invention. Such as if the plane is filled with weather will it be too heavy to fly. What will he use for fuel. In exchange for the divers keeping the merfolk secret they will help him gather materials and give advice on how to create the plane. He calls the project "flying fish" He's actually a runaway prince. His family thinks hes dead because as a young one he was taken away by a strong current and they couldn't find him. He's just been vibing in the waters for years. Because he has a strong connection to the ocean the other sea life help him out with finding whatever he needs. So he can just float around and these sea creatures bring him food. The only time he has ever worked hard in is life is the project hes doing right now. Rest of his life things were given to him and he was very bored. So that current was the best thing that ever happened to him. Despite the fact his family thinks thier prince is dead. He prefers legs to his gorgeous tail that he can form when he puts his legs together.