Basic Info




Elder of War, The Mother, Queen of the Unseelie Court, Trì Dàin Puithar


Faerie - Archfey, Court of Blood


Basic Information
UNIque Smooth Pawed Unseelie Fae Lambicorn
{UNIque Edits: long face, six legs, all paws, huge sharp chipped main horn edit}
{Non-UNIque Edits: Custom - bulky weight edit, golden fangs, two pairs golden skeletal bird wings, mane, tail, ear, crown imp horns, ram imp horns, large claws, eight facial eyes, four body eyes, eye magic, horn magic, scars}
{Accessories: battleaxe, golden raven skull mask}
Hex Codes: #1b0002 #540009 #66000B #9e0011#0f0001#240002 #2e0005 #420c00 #ffeaa6 #f6b200#db6900 #db5800#d46c5a #f59a8a #f64325 #da0017
Oekaki Link: Matriarch of War

Morwenna is perhaps the most intimidating of the three queens of the Unseelie Court; rivalled only by her elder sister Morgana. She is the middle sister of the three and the patroness of warriors. All in all, she is a passionate, feisty lambie with a horrible temper. You'd do best to stay on her good side.
Though she may seem overly aggressive, Morwenna is also incredibly protective of both her followers and her sisters. They get to see a softer side of her - a caring, more motherly version. But don't be fooled: her guard is always up; she's always ready for a fight. She encourages her followers to develop a tough outer shell, learn to defend themselves both verbally and physically, and most important of all, pursue what they are most passionate about.

As an Elder, Morwenna's domains are battle, wrath, and passion.
Battlemage - Morwenna is nearly unrivaled in her skill as a warrior, both in hand-to-hand and armed combat. She has expertise in every weapon created, though her favourites are the greataxe and the spear. In addition, she can manipulate weapons with her mind, even turning them against their users. One of the only lambicorns who could match her in combat would be her older sister Morgana, with her combination of powerful magic and combat skills.
Pyrokinesis - Morwenna is especially skilled in fire magic. Like the flame itself, she brings great destruction, but can also provide great warmth and nurturing. She will often make use of this skill in battle by setting her greataxe aflame.
Angersense - Morwenna can incite rage and even bloodlust in the minds of any other lambicorns, though this ability is notably weakened against other Elders. She has caused many a squabble this way, and even some of the great wars throughout history. In addition, she can instantly sense the both the little and big things that anger someone, and will use that to her advantage. Most famously, she has turned entire armies against themselves.
Fateseer - Morwenna can peer into the future with her many eyes, allowing her to see down its many paths. She can often choose routes of action that will lead to a specific outcome; changing it to her desires. Her main concern is with war; she typically uses this ability to ensure the outcome of a battle or prevent the loss of a key combatant. However, there are things even Morwenna cannot see - sometimes the outcome surprises even her.

Morwenna brings dreams of glory in battle to those she favours, and dreams of horrible defeat and humiliation to those she does not.